United Hearts (A1, B10, C16)

"do you remember johann foster? his brother, charlie, is a telepath. charlie found jasper cunningham and followed that man to our apartment. and then he stopped cunningham from hurting us." "us? haley is here too? thank _god_!"

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Fog of War (Chapter16, Book7)

johann foster, as young as the day she last saw him, twenty-five years ago. the next picture reminded her of how this miserable journey began. evan balmoral, forty-five and tired looking, sat in a jail made of glowing beams of light.

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Superstitious (Chapter11, Book8)

He directed evan and johann to use their abilities; they created all sorts of shit for this car to be badass. it runs on water." wilfred folded his arms with a grin. "and it shoots lightning, and has a modified rail gun.

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Old Wounds (Chapter6, Book8)

I din' care you banged johann. the kid need to lose his virginity. i didn't care you was bangin' topaz. but ... you _chose_eric." karla swallowed. she rubbed her face and rolled over, putting the back of her head on rue's chest.

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The Fight for Dominance

The bull is a small level captain, johannes fulk, of the fourth fleet, one who was good friends with one of silus' victims."

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Unter Drachen 10 - Tyria

Der jagdmeister johannes ist damals in dein versteck gestolpert, weil er einer ungewöhnlichen fährte gefolgt ist.

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Chapter 9: Interim Governor

"i didn't know if anyone survived, and after losing wolfgang, johann, and boots, i couldn't bear to lose you too." "i-i'm glad to see you too, your grace," edgar whined. "i was a-afraid that you'd been killed.

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Odds At Ends (Chapter19, Book7)

"from this little brat named johann. i can do this, too." she got to her feet and opened her hands. sinopa cried out as ice formed around her legs and tails, encasing her body from the waist down. "karla!"

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Breadcrumbs (Book7, chapter11)

I see johann foster, i see abigale chase krenyenko, samantha summers, and a few other names. i can see everyone's vitals and monitored stats." "goddamn it, i wish i knew where they were," she muttered. fox frowned. "i hate seeing you upset.

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Alone (Book7, Chapter4)

johann foster is gone. your kind has no leadership. no one to do damage control. twenty years ago, it got out. people were using abilities for selfish reasons and we had to cover it up and call it advanced technology. we had to go after those people.

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Memories (Chapter 3, book8)

I mean, we don't have johann and evan to craft new parts but i'm sure we can..." "reno, your car is fine." nevada perked, offering the first genuine smile since waking up. "really? you got my car? it's okay?" "don't use the word '_got_.'

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