From Commons to Kings: Chapter 1 - Jo

They were seen often in the commons though never too far from the domes or the lifts, the only way from high rise to the commons.

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My Wildest Fantasy (Part 3): Meeting the Parents

Would it be possible to see if you could find a way to let me come down to the dome after work to see you and maybe get a little bit of a tour?", she asked me politely.

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A New World. Chapter 1 Fight for my life

I nailed him in the dome and he fell off me. i got up and ran but he grabbed my foot so i fell down. i knew he was gonna beat me to death so i yelled: what do you want!? what did i do to you!

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Unseen Colors, Act Five

Our mission was simple; touch down, scout the area and protect those who are setting up the dome. after that we'll be put on the front lines to eliminate all the possessed.

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A Change in Perspective

As the doctor left, i reached down to the domed cage on my dick. the metal had warmed to my body, and even grasping it as hard as i could, all my dick could feel was the pressure of the metal pushing at it from outside my sheath.

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Ch. 22 -- Embassy

Growing louder and louder, its echos bouncing off the interior surface of the dome, delaying and amplifying the sound into a growling buzz.

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Charlemagne's Stolen Secret - Part 1

the dome and spike slowly retracted back into the sphere. as if to reward me for resetting it, the puzzle turned the acute agony of my burns into powerful tingling. a half minute later, my hands were fully healed.

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The Tent & The Change Series "Starward" Part 1 (Our story continues)

There was a familiar thump then the feeling of pressure, the dome opened and we were hit with humidity and the odors of fertile plant life, tinged with the sulfuric smell of the volcano.

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No Such Thing as Good and Evil

From what he had learned it had always been that way, even before the cataclysm that claimed most of the world save the sanctuary of the domed cities.

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Spears In Space! (Part 1)

She took off like a shot, following the other fighters as they cleared the dome through an opening gate that immediately began to suck the air from the dome almost greedily.

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