Kaotic Beginnings 18 - The End of the beginning
anarchy warlock was a magnifier of magic. it was a thing he could do. his touch could elevate anything magical to ridiculous levels of power. _unsustainable_ levels, even...
Spygate: Lieutenant's Regret
We can't just destroy the system, it will cause anarchy!" gabu tried to put some sense into him. "anarchy? you think i didn't try this the civil way then?
Dangerous Dynamo #2
There was no shouting of slogans, no angry chants, just boring methodical anarchy. "they're being controlled." his father stated without looking away from the screen. elliot didn't question it.
Finding Sanctuary
anarchy and chaos reigned permanently in the forgotten land, but every man and woman of wisdom knew, that to the east, the valcoul shaped the fate of their people in silent scrutiny. ...
Dogman Chapter 3
Will get better, but you will stop regulating the banks and then you're "great country" will be up shits creek without a paddle once again, your people just don't get that, i mean everyone can't be free to do as they please in fact i think that's called anarchy
Across the Rift 10
Imagine, someone able to kill at a whim with little to no skill or training, anarchy would reign!" the demon was obviously passionate about this topic, as he began to pace back and forth before sean, who still stood at ease.
Mischievous Sands
There is anarchy and hedonism, evils so terrible that humanity has sought to expel these instead with a ridiculing self-loathing." eric sat, staring at his shaking hands. "however, evil is born from goodness. do you understand, eric?"
Nova Wars 5: Starwing Station
The lawyers, they claimed that they stood between civilization and anarchy, and they did, but only in the ways of words, in response to the actions that others took. but the soldiers...
Nocturne, Part Two
He moved through the mass of patrons, eyes scanning the jubilant crowd, searching for the only devilish individual who could ever hope to lead such sweet, gleeful anarchy. she found him first.
Tales From The Orion
Navigation, plot a course for venture station (located in an anarchy sector--basically the wild west of space) we're leaving." a subtle "aye aye." came from the cockpit. the computer chimed, "charging jump drive."
Vertigo 1.1 - Low Tide of the Night
It is organized anarchy. tonight, someone has died. someone has cut out one of the city's "hearts". dana "the duchess" bordeaux is the protector tasked with finding whoever it is that has harmed her city.
Winter Purposal. Chapter two.
Andy looked down at her and grinned, seeing the old sons of anarchy hoodie he had put on her the night he had sex with her.