Journey's Beginning
My grandson was killed in battle. but the army won't grant me his pension, i'm all the family the boy had." alexi shifted a bit and nodded, this kind of thing he would have to get used to for sure.
A Different Kind of Babysitter - Part 10
You remember how happy your dad was when he learned that he had a grandson named after him? those two just have a very special bond." "you're right," said bradley with a slight chuckle.
To Train Up a Champion - Part 1
Asked tori, giving her grandson a kiss on the cheek. "good as always, grandma," said ian, flexing his arms. "you're looking at the next heavyweight champion of the world right here." "of course we are," said bradley.
Half-Blood Chapter XL
"while i understand that he has the right to summon his grandson, i still would have preferred that he would have contacted me prior to it. why did he ask for lucas though if i may ask?"
Spirit Bound: Chapter 130
"i'm checking on my grandson, first." she stalked around the corner and snarled in response to dirk's warning growl. "back off. i could've let that marilith demon kill you if i'd wanted you dead."
Goldeneyes Chapter 7
The black eagle imar found the lady eleanor looking to her grandson shean. reflecting that he had once been her justin.
Meanwhile In Cosmo Canyon
The sight of ice crystals forming within the air barely surprised bugenhagen as he watched his grandson cast a basic blizzard spell across the floorboards.
Noble Indignities
I will not risk her going out of heat before my grandson has had a chance to sire his clutch."
Tir's Tale, Chapter 2
"so, your grandson is a very smart wolf. i was surprised he even was interested in me." i watched as he eyed her a bit, as if he was trying to read her. "so... how do you really know about master pet relationships.
Changes: Part 3
His grandson was wearing a plain red polo shirt with a pair of basketball shorts pulled on, and a pair of untied work boots splattered with a few shades of paint.
Torella Unleashed Chapter 2
She growled softly to herself and saw her grandson jerk his eyes up and blink at her curiously, his brows pulled together in a bit of a frown. "you okay, grandma?"
Star Trek /Astro Boy: Paw Print
The image of the great kzin emperor, leo-ritt, appears on the screen.** leo-ritt: is my wayward grandson aboard this vessel? **scene: kim-ritt approaches the screen.** kim-ritt: honorable grandfather.