The Dark Cell: I Don’t Know Where I Am Anymore
To tell me, that i was in a discarded experimental facility. "one of the guards threw you into my cell, you were unconscious." "such a small, furless creature. you are bound, by something incredibly hard. i could not undo your hands or legs. i am sorry."
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 6
one hoped that was far enough that whatever might be attempting to kill her wouldn't splash over onto them. horizon leapt over a fallen beam blocking her path, glowing red with heat from the fires, and landed on a still-intact wall.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Five
Despite her stubbornness to ignore the rumors, after a month had passed she learned that there was a specific cadet that was receiving all the attention at that private facility.
Project Pandora
#1 of project pandora in a post-apocalyptic world filled with furry zombies, there remains elpis, the human alone in an underground facility. one day, he found a zombified tiger that lingers between the state of living and dead.
The Last Day on XZ-345
Another week went by, and this time the plants had entered into the facility.
Rhodenspire Trade Part 1; Chapters: I-V
He glanced at the door making each letter out singularly and then asking "your testing facility" one nodded the light going red momentarily. as if the machine blushed.
S under D[Arc 4: Exile]: Chapter 2
Meanwhile on the phone in a dark corner of the facility one of the targets that jeff was after was in a conversation with s under d's number one priority at the moment. "ty! it's me!" the figure said into the phone "what have you got to report!"
"Family Tails" - Chapter 23
One of the corporate sponsors of the center, who happened to be an avid admirer of classical music and a supporter of the arts, was touring the facility one day and spied willie playing a cheap child's violin.
Adipose City: The Breakfast Food Affair
The portly mink gave the front of the facility one more sweep to note camera positions and made her way across the deserted underground roadway, expandex catsuit creaking seductively as the bottom-heavy mustelid waddled her way over.
The Shadows Book Two: The Legacy of Man and Machine - Chapter Ten
"that's what you were waiting for here then, was thinking that he would someday come to this facility." one-eye continued, rubbing his wrists softly as they still ached slightly from when they had locked paws. "the facility where he had been born, aye."
Borderlands - Highland Hardcore
They would have to work together... and attack the isotope facility.
Chapter 3: A Dragon Claimed
But this place is a high-end breeding facility, one where those with mares can come and select the stallion they'd like to sire their foals. many of these stallions are top competitors or have particularly rare bloodlines.