Owe You
**Hello. I said something about a typhlosion story next if you've been following my stories? This isn't that. This was a random idea I had that I wrote in a day. Imagine a world with only pokémon, no humans. Like... PMD but in the modern-day and no...
Through What Remains
A kingdom sat beneath darkened wastes and wilderness, a kingdom that welcomed all into its embrace. Hallownest was its name. You simply needed to find the little town of Dirtmouth hidden between a valley and a mountain in order to begin your journey...
My Dragon, my Friend, my...Lover?
_ **I am open for** _ [**_COMMISSIONS!_**](https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455)_ **If you want your own, personalized story,** _ [**_Click here _**](https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455) [**_Support me on Patreon_**](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs)_...
New Friend , New Lover- Chapter 2
The second semester came up two weeks after Chase and I became mates.We continued our lives as normally and didn't show too much affection outside of our house due to the fear of others.At school, we were normal students but on the inside we wanted to...
I Are Dating
I.R. Baboon, fast asleep in a large, leafy tree, is woken up by the sound of a delightful conversation. He opens his eyes, yawns, and scratches his rear as he looks down to the ground, seeing a scarlet figure slowly approaching, about to pass beneath...
Early Birds
Peckinpah yawns as he wakes up, stretching his wings just as his small alarm clock shrieks for him to get out of his top bunk-nest. Today's the day that yet another trial needs his attention. As usual, Peckinpah sits up, rubs his eyes, stretches his...
Milking the Steer
"I want all you nudists out of here, this instant!" Rocko, a beige-colored Australian wallaby yelled toward an entire backyard full of naked animals. He, himself was also mostly naked, though not by choice and with only a trash can covering his...
As The Winner Says
**As The Winner Says.** --- _By Nikita (Snow Flake) Inspired By Black-Husky -_ _Turbo belongs to Thomas -_ _Snow Flake belongs to Nikita -_ * * * Download The PDF At The FA Version!...
New Friend, New Lover-3-Love is a delicate thing to handle.
As the dew streamed down the screen of the window, casting in the sun light as it peered from the horizon, the four digi-morphs woke from their slumber previous to their group yiff.Chris was the first to make any movement as he rose from under the...
Wyvern's Reward
_This is a short one-off story which can be read independently and requires no background knowledge, a__s is the case for most of the stories in this folder._ * * * Two wyverns were perched atop a lofty cliff, overlooking a dense forest far below....
Story Number 3 - A Boy and His Dog
**A Boy and His Dog** "H-he...Hello. My name is...is...Oh, what is it? Wilda. That's it! Wilda Woolworth. I'm a lamb with glossy pink fleece that the Easter Bunny uses to line the many baskets that she delivers on this busiest of seasons "And...
DON'T Watch a Video Called...
## DON'T Watch a Video Called... ### [marumarun](https://archiveofourown.org/users/marumarun/pseuds/marumarun) ### Summary: > A note to my regular readers: Note the M/M tag. > > Your best bro in the world has been acting a bit strange. He...