A Magical Doll
Manifesting as an undulating, growing bulge on maya's belly, the massive insertion soon pushed her over the brink.
The wolf's embrace(Part 1)
The cock slammed home into her blue slit like a battering ram breaching a castle's gate,rawing a howling scream of surprised pleasure from the shocked seras as she jerked in sudden and extreme ecstasy from the massive penetration.
The Serpent's Dance
She felt no pain beyond a slight discomfort at the massive penetration, her demigod nature prevented any form of damage from being done to her by that huge cock.
Room Service (2/2)
The fox felt like he was being split in half but his body was getting used to the massive penetration. he was even starting to enjoy it. it was like his insides were getting a massage, albeit a rough one.
The Call of the Cave
While lana's brain welcomed the immense girth without objection, her body was still subjected to the laws of the real world and opposed the massive insertion with her natural tightness. however, that wasn't a hindrance the dragon couldn't overcome.
The Smallest Fan
The massive penetration was too much on its own but the incredible pressure that came with such an orgasm saw her roll back her eyes, clench her teeth and flare her nostrils in a more girly mirror of kahnso's own blissful expression.
Happily Hunted And Taken
Nalani wasn't expecting to see the bulge so quickly, but her tummy was already pushing up just a little bit from the massive penetration...still, nothing prepared her for the sight of a small, obvious puddle of cum inside of her as she felt the first burst
Looking For Treats, Getting Tricked, Finale
She struggled against the thick, filling girth, but she held fast, feeling a deep, sensual satisfaction that could only be brought by such a massive penetration.
A Public Display of Dominance, Part 2
The punishment for that was far worse than the pain of a sudden and massive penetration, so he strained, sweat beading on his forehead and pleasure welling up in his crotch as the submissive lion gave the toy a slow, controlled ride.
Boo and Kye: Mall
The little skunk relaxed and, almost instantly, was shafted by the lad's massive penetrating cock.
First Time Transference
The huge member stretched her wide, the soft lips of the mare taught around the stallion's massive penetration, and the pulsing, hot depths of the mare squeezing tightly around the length already inside her only driving the stallion's desire to push more in
A Taste of Her Own Trickery
For bianca, it would have been a fate worse than death, both in the pain of the massive penetration, and the embarrassment of being exposed to the bar in such a way.