The Claiming of Jaelina, Part 3

Lowering his head, the mighty wolf closed his eyes as he breathed in her rich scent, the side of his muzzle briefly brushing against her own, mixing fur and whiskers as he whispered, "you are mine. i can prove it."

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Ninety minutes later, bags packed and eager to start their new life, the quartet left the ship and joined the line of mixed furs and humans at customs.

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"Timeless Wars" Ch.1-2

I had all black and white mixed fur, and had blue eyes as my brother.

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Chris Cross: Out of their league

They were worried his mixed fur pattern would make him an outcast, but it was actually his aunt that helped him break out of his shell. his aunt, who he affectionately called aunt z, was a tigerskunk like him, and was his inspiration in everything.

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Chris Cross: Out of their league

They were worried his mixed fur pattern would make him an outcast, but it was actually his aunt that helped him break out of his shell. his aunt, who he affectionately called aunt z, was a tigerskunk like him, and was his inspiration in everything.

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He draped his hand down her mixed fur she shivered as she was stuck on the chair with duck tape on her mouth. she cried out and she pulled as hard as she could but it was no use. tails smirked, "you see, this didn't have to happen.

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1.5 - Acceptable Risk

"i was hoping you'd say that ... " the mix-furred mouse, grey and rusty brown, leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. the rat's nose flared for breath. she tilted her maw to the left.

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Enemy Within

Those kisses she had so longed for and to have someone work down her mixed fur and make her clench the bed due to her sensitivity. she was mesmerized by the rightness and the pureness of it all.

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After hours

Tanya was an akita, with short light brown and white mixed fur, and quite the wellshaped girl, with subtle curves, beeing showed off in her white blouse and dark blue skirt.

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A Walk in the Park - Part 1

One of the cars was playing loud music with several mixed furs of both genders standing around drinking beer and being generally obnoxious. nick looked from the makeshift party to the trashcans and then checked his watch.

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