The Last Agent of the Old World: Dead Men's Dream
I'd left Teresa and Khyros back at the first town we'd encountered, a little place cut out of the forest where the two of them could get up to speed. Teresa had some re-training to do thanks to her time stuck in a hole in the ground, and Khyros needed...
Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Wars Chapter 2: Revisiting old worlds
worlds** it was the morning of their departure.
A Killer Father (Character backstory)
The shadows descended upon this day. The night claimed the forest in its long and cold grasp as silence fell upon the land below. A single sound would echo thru the night for tonight death roamed the woods. Unseen Unheard until the time came to face...
A Tail of Romance & Friendship Ch 2: Will you help a friend?
##__Razam__## I stumbled forward down the hill as I sprinted and lept down the steep incline disregarding my own wellbeing, I tripped over my own foot paw tumbling into rolling a down the hit hitting the base with a face plant. I pulled myself up on...
Predator: Prologue
I grunted as someone tackled me to the ground, chuckling to myself as I looked over my shoulder, seeing a Rottweiler I knew very well, his name was Duce. He was holding me down with his paws on my shoulders and giving this big goofy smile. I laugh as I...
A Tail of Romance and Friendship Book 1 chapter 2: First blood Second Kin Third pain
~~~~~~(((Razam)))~~~~~~ "How could she? What did I do to have her pulled from me again! ... but this time she will never be back!" tearing up as I thought this to myself running down the hill, away from the house and, away from her. I sobbed out loud...
The Short (and ongoing) Tale of Otterbear Inc. Chapter 3
Since it was on the old world. i warped to otterbear inc. the factory looked forelorn with vines growing down one wall and being dwarfed by the castle behind. i ran inside and made enough swords to fill my inventory.
The Scout
She knew the answer was hidden in these wilds, where there still existed evidence that the cataclysm that destroyed the old world did not destroy all of it.
The World of Aeurn: Coming of the Twice-born-Part two
To his old world.
Virtually Trapped Ch.1
The game was called the old world, it was probably some new fantasy game. highlighted on the page were a few sentences that read.
Brief Bio/Origins Lore: Shiaddos
It is one of a handful of villages that still remain from the old world.
The Short (and ongoing) Tale of Otterbear Inc. Chapter 2
Thankfully the old world was still there and i could still use the factory. however, things went slowly downhill. nobody used the old world often and i couldn't find any iron to do what i wanted. it was time to move to a new world.