Aquata Cove - Chapter 63
Every muscle in his body is so very weak, he feels like a bag full of lazy sea slugs. "what's going on...?" he groans, "what's happening to me?"
Song of Dead Suns
"the works of a computer who can perceive in seven dimensions and the works of a sea slug that can perceive only in three do me little good," campbell replied, a moue upon her lips.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Floaroma Town and Honey
Shellos the sea slug pokemon a water type. its colour and shapes differ from region to region. in the sinnoh region two types are confirmed."
Aquata Cove - Chapter 64
Every muscle in his body is so very weak, he feels like a bag full of lazy sea slugs. "what's going on...?" he groans, "what's happening to me?"
She Dwells Below
Slug limbs, these are the 'arms' of a sea slug. more like fins or weird wings really. they are called parapodium." she relaxed them back into the pseudo human arm shape, then flicked them to show how flexible it was. "no bones.
Mer Made
A dim glow would surge up their length in strange patterns of bioluminescence- a warning that they convey a neurotoxic touch- parapodia of a sea slug.
Possy & Squirt (Day 2)
The human crept along the length of wires, his sea slug pace adding to possy's confusion. after some time, he took a larger step to the side, revealing various items of clothing hanging from a wire frame.
The First Day of School, Part 2: Manticore Middle and Sphinx Elementary
I'm lyra," the sea slug answered as she kicked the ball back over to her friend, "lyra voss.""and i'm cassandra amrine," the feline said as the ball sailed over her head.
Presenting Paradise
From soppy faced tuna fish to colourful sea slugs, he had an insatiable desire to learn more about the wonders of the life aquatic. and that initial spark soon became a fire leading him on to fantastic dreams as a lad.
Respawn (re-post, correct)
They'd just run into what it'd just taken fran a moment to realize could only be a floating sea slug. "glitchhop!" a floating sea slug jackie seemed to recognize at that. "where's gizmo?"
Aquata Cove - Chapter 57
I'll bring back a sea slug for you, kay?" "oh, would you cut that out already??" kevin snapped weakly. "with that reaction? never~" she grinned. the two shared one last passionate kiss, holding onto each other endearingly for one more moment, "...
Eclipse (Illustrated)
He said, before his gaze looked up and saw an old and grainy picture of a sea slug hanging in front of the boy's bed. "that the sook animal you looking for?" he asked. "yeah.