Expansive Imprint - Thursday Writing Prompt

His "artist loft" existed in the upper attic room of a cheap and old home, once owned by an eccentric old hound who enjoyed her clutter.

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Fun with Bolt and Penny 14: Good Girl

She even remodeled that loft by herself, so who was i to deny her the pleasure of a little privacy?"_ \* \* \* \* \* penny pressed tight her lips, suppressing a cry of orgasm as bliss coursed through her.

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Finding out...

"sure... maybe we can hid in the hay loft." hooves grunted as he turned the young pretty gelding around and guided him towards the barn. marcus nodded and let the striped gelding lead the way, towards the quite sanctuary of the hay loft.

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Tied Down in Misery

The loft was a typical loft size. it looked about one thousand square feet total, but that was not the surprising part. what was the shocker was what occupied the space, and how everything was arranged.

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A lovely Surprise

Orao had all of her things brought to his loft the next day and supervised the decorating and reconstruction of the loft to make her more comfortable in her new surroundings.

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Hunter's Story Opening Scene

"they thought you'd be in the loft by now. lxst and jams are about to finish spinnin' for the night." he informed her. while she may be the scene queen, skitzo was the one who ran things.

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Price of Life: Chapter XIII

As the sound of soldering irons and power drills began to fill the barn, dante showed selene the small ladder that led to the loft of the barn.

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Familiarity Breeds (with) Contempt

Riley's was lofted, at a right angle to his; they'd stuck the foot of his bed into the corner of the fox's loft, right in the corner of the room. the fox's desk was under the other part of it, while brad's desk was across from it, by the head of his bed.

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The Lava God's Journey

I lept out the window and snuck around while he was headed up to the loft to try and figure out what the hell i was doing. he followed my same path. jumping down and walking about.

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Forbidden Love: A New Start

The entire loft was dark and for a moment she had to grope her way around trying to find the light switch. only after she had the door closed did she spy the flickering of candles that were resting around the loft.

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101: Patch to the rescue?

There were bags and bags of kanine krunchies in the loft of the barn, and the only way up was to use a ladder.

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