What's Gotten Into You [3]

Or maybe it was like some sort of... coping mechanism... eric sighed, dropping the subject. he scooted up to a better position on the bed.

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It was not the best coping mechanism, nor was it even a good one, but it was all that kilo had, and he quite enjoyed it.

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Descent Into Madness (A1, B11, C8)

You don't survive for as long as i have without a coping mechanism." conner glanced out the window. "sorry." karla reached back and gave conner's knee a firm pat. "you can have a coping mechanism, too. but pouting is beneath you."

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Another Pandemic - Part 1

Maybe they were some kind of defensive coping mechanism, a strange sort of gallows humor that enabled him to laugh it off and carry on. at any rate, ross was pleased to see the mouse return.

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Imprisonment Chapter 2 Training Begins

Mother always said it was a coping mechanism that young pupsused when their parents weren't around top comfort them. i slowly sat up in thebed, yawning in the process. as soon as i was about to hop out of bed, i hearda knock come from the door.

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Secret's AU Adventure: Prince [Part 1 + A Short Extra]

He told himself that it was a coping mechanism. after all, he was tired, cold, and naked. his back rubbed uncomfortably against the couch's surface and his flaccid penis hung swiftly to his thigh. it was a lot rougher than he imagined.

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Ch3: Talking it out

We've gone over coping mechanisms, ways to settle your nerves when you feel threatened. i promise you, a bully in a public school would not put in the effort to make a prank gift, they'd be just as likely to assault you in the bathroom.

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Ch 1: About Jason Campbell

My therapist said that it was a coping mechanism... i overheard the conversation my parents had with him. he gave them a number to call for a psychiatrist.

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Dark Impersonation

Perhaps it was as a coping mechanism, or it was because she'd finally broken, but she replied in a submissive whisper, "y-yes...mongol...i do....p-please...g-give me your...all your...c-cum..."

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Tabitha Crane, Chapter II: Rumour Has It

Or a godsdamn coping mechanism. i didn't know, and even more so, i didn't give a shit. this couldn't be real life, could it? this was fake. it had to be fake.

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Wolf For Rent Fertility Clinic

Psych says it's some sort of coping mechanism for depression, but i think he just loves being that huge and disgusting. either way, hope to see you guys tomorrow, lunch is on me. -richter lunstrada * * * dear mr.

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Chapter 3: Wolf Of A Different Color

He was no stranger to the horrors of war, and even if xyan had adopted a particularly self-destructive coping mechanism for it doran could tell it was well-deserved.

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