Ch. 6. Male Bonding

Did you know that in prehistoric times, all prides were led by the lionesses? males had only two jobs: having sex and keeping rivals out. it was a pretty cushy life and we're basically living the modern version of it."

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Tales from the Nexus: Sabre

An enormous nine foot tiger-man with enormous fangs reminiscent of the sabre-toothed tigers of prehistoric times. the monster was extremely muscled, his orange striped fur barely containing the bunched, tensed and injured muscles beneath them.

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Second Shift- Shock

It's because in prehistoric times, early humans used scent a lot more to gauge emotions, and even if it diminished, it's still there. this ability lets me decipher different scents and process them as emotions.

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A simple story II part 2

Without back up to the prehistoric times of the 1980s, francis saw that he was in the presence of an at least ten years old machine. there were also two binders lying on the flank.

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Spheres of Influence

. \*\*\* it felt as though the bog had been bubbling there since prehistoric times. there was so much fog that it was difficult for the otter to be able to see all that far around him.

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Hybrid Dawn #2: Transition

Schwartz began, "is that hybrids had been a part of our history since even prehistoric times.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 14

People might imagine some things in prehistoric times!" "or perhaps not! have your kind ever traveled to another world?" maria asked to the dragons.

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Foresight: Part Two

Wouldn't you be if you came back from prehistoric times and ended up here?!" she returned to the cage and myre immediately nuzzled her paw again. "i-i'll take responsibility," she told the skunk, "let him out. i'm sure we'll be fine."

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Guardian of the Saurians 03 (Messy)

Still, that doesn't stop the goddess of transformation from visiting her friend - the saintly titled guardian of the saurians - in this last vestige of prehistoric times, the scar of sauria.

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The Werewolf of Odessa - Chapter 8 - Meet the Stalker

The strong jaw below the sharp beak, the large black claws used for tearing flesh in prehistoric times, the ridges running down the vestiges of the amphibian's shell, all served to remind one that snapping turtles were carnivores and predators also.

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Unnatural Selection - Ch 8: The Final Four

"they are druid symbols, passed down from prehistoric times, much older than your relatively new asatru. they come from the time of man." "yes, you were mentioning them last night, before silver was killed."

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 2

Char'ena is certainly too big to be even one of the so-called 'dire' wolves from prehistoric times. her eyes--can't seem to get them out of my head. they're not normal wolf eyes, that's for sure, and i can't shake the feeling that i've seen them before.

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