A Heated Reception

The hand holding his wrists was moist, and slick, the clawtips coated in hot liquids that had a surprisingly decadent scent rolling off of them.

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Winter Traditions, Chapter 7: Christmas Again

The feel of him pressing against my insides...the warmth radiating off him...his gasps and pants of effort, and the wonderfully musky scents rolling off him...i clawed at the sheets in ecstasy, my back arched in pleasure, panting as cerberus worked me.

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Photographic Fun

The stallion rolled his lips back to keep the scent rolling around his newly gifted sense of smell. it spoke to the male. it screamed the word need at him over and over again with every second it stayed within his nose.

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Team Spirit

My nose bumps his knot and it's like a new wave of scent rolls over me. my cock pushes free and hangs in the air throbbing almost painfully as i start to suck and bob my muzzle a little.

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Wedding Ties (AS "K")

His mate's bitch scent rolled off of him like the steamiest cologne. it sent karnot deeper into the darkness of domination. "then you better re- fucking- lax!" each syllable punctuated with a smash of thighs to thighs. baund yipped with each wave.

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A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 7

His natural, woody scent rolled over my sinuses. i had forgotten how good he smelled. "wait, ben. i'm sorry. you just caught me off guard, that's all."

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The Tongue's Function

All i can smell in this room is the scent rolling off your fur!" "oh...well, if you want, i-i can go hop in the shower-" "no, no, no, no, that's-that's a good thing, ganley. i like your scent." ganley blushed. "seriously?

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Sating the Beast

With her body exposed and her heat scent rolling off her in waves... yeah... she doubted it immensely.

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The Queer Couple: The Confrontation

His sensitive nose could detect the stress and the fear in the complex scents rolling off the jock. as the enchanted goth regarded the other, he decided it would be fun to mess with him a little.

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Dinomancer’s Lewd Day

He backed off to lick his drenched muzzle clean, the most intense of scents rolling over the kitsune's trembling nostrils. the gryphoness looked back at him with her sapphire eyes, almost pleading him to resume the licking.

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Stubborn Coyote

A nervous scent rolled off him, making me smile--knowing how worried he was about hurting me. i inched my nose forward, drawn to his scent. i had to taste him as much as he had me.

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