Travel Companion

For whenever a satyr offers to be your travel companion, your destination may not stay the same.

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A New Companion

He thought i needed a companion so he gave it to me. how's business today?" "eh, its slow. can't expect too much though, we were so busy last night though that the change is a little nice.

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True Companions

Since the day she had met her trainer as a Vulpix, Ganymede had taken a possessive liking to her trainer, a young canine from wolf and dog parents by the name of Dove. He was only a teenager when they met, and she kept him comforted, warm, and safe to...

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A Scaly Companion

"You don't really think about collateral damage, but it happens. Like, take this battle I had about a year ago. Gerrus goes up against a Toxicroak, and his main thing is that he tries not to get hit. That means he does a lot of running around, tries to...

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Unexpected Companion

Setting high in the sky the sun cast its gaze across the forest beneath it, bathing the land in a smooth orange light, warmth filtering down through the thick trees to the ground below. Few clouds were in the sky to obstruct it, leaving a nearly pure...

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Commission: Companions

" have to go back home tomorrow." "Yeah. I mean, that was the deal. I gotta go home sometimes." Shinx folded his arms and pouted a bit. "That doesn't seem fair. I want you to be around all the time, why do you have to leave?" "Hey,...

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New Companions

"I swear I am going to kick him in the face if I ever get to meet him." Said a voice I heard as I slowly woke up, noticing a weight on my pelvis that was warm and purring. I reach down to pet the very heavy cat and I feel feathers? That woke me up...

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Tending Companions

Sunorae was nested down in a large pile of otherwise smelly and decaying straw. It was not the smell that bothered her, nor the itching in her scales when it poked her. Nor was it the clutch of eggs that had peeped and wiggled. She was red in color...

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Eternal Vigilant Companion

I live in a world where nothing changes No effort may slay the beast within. There is no hope from above Nor any promise from below. Arms reach out from within Reach out above and strangle hope Reach out below and stumble resolve Reach out...

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Companion of 1000 Scars

The series won't be called "companion of 1000 scars." i just ahve to create the series block first. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* companion of 1000 scars a desert hover is built out of wood.

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Companions Ch. 42

#44 of companions [companions chapter 42] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* warning! the following text contains explicit adult subject matter.

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