Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 8

Niric plucked up a particularly grotesque mushroom covered in pustules and held it up to one of the two small bumps on kuna's head. "find another one and you might almost pass for normal!" kuna sighed in exasperation. "cut it out, nir!"

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Chapter VI

It's beak split open into four parts and a pustule tongue shot out and began to strangle him. the air was being crushed out of him. acting fast he grabbed the beak parts and pulled them apart until they broke off its face.

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The Order

Two pointed ribs poked through each outstretched pustule of muscle, as soon as the skin was breached the pressure blew the growths out several feet to lo's sides.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 15

One of them in particular, peeking through a gash in its buckskin pants, had turned into a festering, pustule riddled sore, weeping puss and blood.

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Jabba's Party

It made him lick his lips slowly with his fat, pustule-covered tongue as he thought of her helplessness, causing more saliva to dribble and run down onto the front of her chest, easily slipping between the weaves of her fishnet halters, making her skin crawl

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Sarabi's Revenge BUTT REALISTIC

Timon licked his pustule filled necrotic lips with much pleasure like a pedophile licking simba's arsehole like he was at the beginning of the first movie.

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Arena, Chapter 8

The explosions looked like pustules popping all over the ship's metal skin, and smoke billowed from the holes. nish erupted from the engine pods at the rear, dragging a trail of flaming, white-hot debris with her.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 7 - Sink, Struggle, Sleep

The halls pulsated with fleshy pustules, writhing bloody images behind tarp-like skin stretched over everything, accompanied by the most wretched sounds of bile and organs.

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Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 9 - Curious Caldera

James was not as balanced, but he was certainly skilled in his better reflexes to avoid falling into the lava, which bubbled and boiled all around them threateningly so, as if ready to just burst a thick bubbly pustule all over either of them.

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An Era of Chivalry 5 - An Age-Old Lesson In Ethics

Glenn used the recoil of a deflecting block to spin his body round and cleave the masamune through the imp's neck, severing it completely into a bloody pustule. "oh shit!" "dost thou still wish to test my blade?"

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