Battle for Hadleigh Epilogue

"i'm still coming to terms with the fact i was able to pull that crazy stunt off...i thought for sure i was a goner a couple times..." "don't tell me _that_," volcan said almost in a whine.

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Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths, Mitch's story Chapter 3

Francis' parents wanted me to "stop him from doing his insane stunts". then he went and insulted those like sam, much like you did. i punished him accordingly, like i did for you.

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Reality and Release

As long as you promise not to do a crazy stunt like this again, ok?" the tiger flapped his tail against mark's ankles and groaned. "i know." "come on then," the lion declared.

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Episode 2A: No Sleep

"they may not have the cybernetic upgrades to survive an insane stunt like that." the sound of the docking shuttle detaching from the raptor's hull could be heard. "i can't get a lock on the other two, i'm sorry sir," jakar said. "they're dead."

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A Surprise Upgrade

He wanted something more... action-oriented, the thrill of something like being in a video game where he could do crazy stunts and blow stuff up without the consequences of death and property destruction.

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I lose more little bothers, volume 3

Did someone convince me to do some crazy stunt while i was drunk? i hadn't gotten drunk before though. i realized that i was walking awkwardly in oversized boots. i didn't recall putting them on. nor the blue-grey clothes i was wearing.

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Mortality Prologue and Chapter 1

His agent - his father - had him running around the entire country and sometimes even the entire world to sign books, open ceremonies and do all sorts of crazy stunts to appease the public.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act III, Part 9

But you've pulled off some pretty crazy stunts in the past, so what the hell. twenty-two klicks to your right, and you'll reach the main wall of the city.

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Pokemon Battle Kingdom Chapter 2

Arc had only managed to win by pulling an insane stunt. using his most potent attack, thunder, he detonated a massive lightning bolt in the path of the donphan, creating a large crater.

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Knothole High: Playing Big

He imagined al pulling off some crazy stunt like somersaulting in midair, jumping on some guy's back or sliding between another, bigger guy's legs to grab the ball. a small smile touched his lips. "that's what i'm talking about!" steele shouted.

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The Tomb of the Golden Knight

As a dragonrider, she almost instinctively knew how to hang on to blake during even the most insane stunts, and she was never struck by vertigo or queasiness - indeed, blake had once reflected that he probably wouldn't be able to throw her off if he tried.

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