Forest Drums

The forest god seemed very pleased. "now scram" behemoth roughly put the ursine on his feet and shoved him away. "it's's really gone...oh gods...they are gonna kill me for losing the divinity they lent me." the bear panicked.

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"The Wild King", chapter 12

Talk to the forest god, reverse the curse? you made a mistake." "athair and the wild do not that work that way. one cannot ask for forgiveness for our sins. we must live with them, even if they are mistakes.

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October Flash Fictions

"i'm not your forest god, little one," the buck rumbled quietly as he watched the cat worship. the leopard's tail flicked back and forth as he kissed his way up the leg before he paused and sat on his haunches.

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Shadows in the Gully (Patreon release)

I left you in the woods. god, i thought ya would be dead afore i found anyone." "sil? are you well?" cokker stood from his chair and moved to the mink with urgency.

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Pleasing a Prince - Tamer's Tale #4

Why are you treating me like some forest deity?" his sing-song voice made him sound relatively young. so he wasn't some kind of ancient forest spirit? maybe he actually wasn't much older than alois.

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Queen of The Forest

Instead, there towered a three-pointed monument to the glory of their forest goddess nestled in the middle of numerous tall, seemingly marble structures. it was like stepping into an untouched piece of history, perfectly preserved from the outside world.

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"i am the forest god! what are you doing in my domain?" the figure yelled out from atop of the tree. "i am traversing the tower!" "we should hurry then! the fire is spreading quickly!" the figure jumped from the tree and landed in front of asha.

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A Renegade Reborn - 4 - Working Man

There was a cramped access hallway beyond the door, which opened out- into a whole-ass forest, god damn. "what the hell?" i looked around.

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A Renegade Reborn - Pt4 - Working Man

There was a cramped access hallway beyond the door, which opened out- into a whole-ass forest, god damn. "what the hell?" i looked around.

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Refinding King Lion (Second Eternity - Eps 14)

And they're under the protection of merlin and the celtic forest god, silvanus. and furthermore, we've been asked to not disturb them in the realm, where humans are not exactly allowed. therefore, we're going to be focusing on the lycanthropes i've met.

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A New World Part 2

Azah, perity the forest god, any of you! please just give me a sign! what am i doing?! why am i here?! is it too much to ask for a purpose?! what about glory?! is strength or wisdom too much to ask for?!...w-...what about a mate?...

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Slayers GD: Book 3-- Dawn of Chaos

After running even more into the deep forest, god knows were, we finally felt safe enough to hide out a little bit to catch our breath and explained what was going on.

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