Les bon temps

_, the serial novel in which we explore the lives of dogs and space marines. and dog space marines. there is a sex scene in this one (two, if you count listening to rimsky-korsakov), so avoid it if sex makes your eyes melt.

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The making of a book cover - A heresy story

Seed: 2407802834 positive: lines, linework, insect, tesseract, the end of all things negative: cartoon smurf village, child's drawing of a space marine, crayon drawing of brutalist architecture, vintage war photography, youtube thumbnail of a german marching


Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 6

Dieser hatte einem space marine gehã¶rt. dieser hatte ihm den helm geschenkt. in der darauf folgenden schlacht wurde der marine durch einen kopfschuss getã¶tet. er wurde umgebaut, sodass er auf die kopfform eines drakoniers passte.


Kittens and Swords

"but it turns out they faked their death and took on new identities as space marines!" calex finished. with that done... the excitement faded as the two looked around wondering what to do. "well, that was all i had on my agenda for the day.

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Honor Above All Else chapter 8

Alec responded from his group of five space marine landing craft. "confirmed alec" kitt swiveled his chair to the weapons officer. "let's give'em hell, attack wings gold and blue, switch to pattern beta."

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Bed Wish

Sergeant bruin grognard is a space marine and well trained in the use of such weaponry which gives him a slight advantage over the pirate ships with lack turret guns due to their smaller size.

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The Wunderland Express

Then zander broke out in giggles remembering a space marine he'd known who was allergic to cat fur.

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Hearth Star: Scientific Curiosity

Jerky apologized, the humans in the audience continued to stare at the rotund space marine in confusion while both dr.

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Clash of God-Machines (A Fallout and WH40K fan story)

With the front line holding, but just barely, as the sentrybots took some hits from bolter fire, the elite mortals in their armour started to deploy their heavy weapons, aiming expertly for the traitor space marine's helmets, followed by support from another

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