Tales from Silicon City 10: Lunch Meeting

And pointlessly slaughter tens of thousands in the process assuming the situation didn't fully spiral out of control into a full third world war... you will have a lot to learn if you truly wish to work with me woojin.

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How Rider got his name.

After two hours of watching stuff get blown up by some ex-marine who is pissed off at some third-world country for killing his wife, the movie is finished.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter5

When the smoke finally cleared, a scene from a third world country massacre could be clearly seen, the bodies strewn about randomly.

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Gestalt - Origins

We aren't just dealing with rogue elements or third-world nations anymore; we could have a fully developed nation like germany, spain or even the russians invading us at any moment! we need enough military might to take on any nation that threatens us!"

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The Lint Bunny

And he had the type of waist that's generally found on starving people in third world countries, or international supermodels. all in all, he looked like the type of girl he would hit on. except for the part where she was part rabbit.

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Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 17

He told us that he didn't know what the third world war would be like...but the fourth would be fought with sticks and stones."

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it started with a cold and ended with a horse

However, they were out only a cheap generic brand made in some third world country to small to have a known name. there was a male and a female drug how strange i thought but bought the female drug.

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Stay Calm

No pictures of hazmat suits, airplanes shrouded in plastic, no furs with flamethrowers burning down huts in some third world indian village, like the images that spread all over on tv before the virus landed onto american soil and suddenly it became all that

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Leonardo - Chapter 9

Anyway, kryn is just a third-world country we for some reason sided as a country whole after the war between us and them." "how do you know all this?"

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Waste Away the Day - 3

He glided the pic to chance's face and he recognized her as the disciplinary ceo of the new resourceful energy company that supplies third world countries with energy, but takes slaves as payment without any obligation.

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The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration

It took more until 2019 to fix equal rights for anthro's and afterwards the great invasion occurred during which there was the third world war known afterwards as the grand war by the american's and the british.

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