This Love

Meaningful i speak you hear but never reply until i've gone you lie there sleeping oh so beautiful just as the coming of the dawn i fade from your arms one last time still their falling these tears meant for me until the day we are reborn and forgiven



With a soft hand, i stand, among a home that once stood on fire shadows don't resemble the emotions heavier than the worries desire forgiven among the time that took its place among the chaos & fear those still attached to its meanings now more than ever

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Just a penance

"i'd say you're forgiven, how do you think, hun?" sally asked jake. irma looked at him with a mixture of fear and lust eating away at her. he just smiled lazily and took her hand into his. "i've forgiven you a long time ago... will you forgive me too?"

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Yes, Ma'am

" "...i assume you'd like to have this forgiven, then, as you didn't know?" "of course-" -eyes- "...yes, ma'am." "mhmm. mister... kawika..." she looked from the paper, to me, to my bike, back to me.

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Hoppers Story - Chapter Four -

Some days later, hopper is forgiven for his outburst and all is forgiven, he makes friends with the young whiptail doe, and much to katy's surprise, hopper seems to prefer the company of ferals - rather than anthropomorphic, or human...making katy wonder,

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Balto help his son-in-law

The next day, Steele went early in town to look for something to eat for him and his mate. The sun was only rising above the horizon, lighting the little town with a beautiful pale pink color. Steele went right to the butcher shop, because he knew the...

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Walking In The Darkness

Sweet as i hear them push me forward,_ _my enemies are no friend to me,_ _they are no friend to me,_ _i shall move on toward my love,_ _each step i take takes me to heavenly pleasure,_ _i don't stop for anything,_ _i don't stop for any foe,_ _i have forgiven

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Flowers For Serath #2

He has forgiven those who have used him, taken his generosity for granted and used up his kindness.

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Seeking Justice: An Ashley and Rachel Poetic Short story

This may define us its not what we planned _how do we forgive my mother and father_ maybe in a dream if we can see farther _this isn't smoke signals i'm not going to mellow_ i'm not asking you too honey you can bellow _i'm_ _sorry for being this way_ forgiven

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Rubbing it up

"i guess that means i'm forgiven, right?" berry teased circuit, making it clear she needed to hear it to go to the main attraction. "y-yeah, sure! forgiven."

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DragonZ Chapter 11

"and what i said before still stands your are forgiven." kelsey walked up to kiddo and to kiddo's, draco's, and my surprise kissed him. kiddo melted into her, this might have been his first kiss. ""

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Keeping Up With The Thompson's Son part 2

"am i forgiven" i said innocently. "oh yeah your forgiven" he said panting. we then kissed again. "lets finish this at the house" i said to him sexily.

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