Snuffed Jocks

``mm... freeballing, huh?'' the panther teased, bringing one of those sharp claws to tease at the cub's balls, soft feathery plumage ruffled by the predator's touch. lewis shivered, tears streaking down his cheeks as he whimpered.

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The Pointy Triangle

There was this one time where the punishment involved having to freeball for a week. ralfrod could still remember the looks he had gotten whilst he went about his daily life in the university.

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Crush Fuck

Arkus had seen a lot of all sides and parts of enity, and convinced him to do many naughty things he wouldn't otherwise do, simply because the shark ordered him to -- like freeball it during days at university, or jerk off in public places and send the shark

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Chapter 8 - Moving Day

freeballing as usual myself, i watch darren toss his own back onto the pile and follow my lead pulling his jeans up.

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The Babysitter(incomplete)

freeballing again? didn't we talk about this. last time you got pantsed in public?

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College Stories: Special Treatment

I'm probably going to have to freeball it on the way back to the dorm." coach kipping grinned and tightened his grip around alex. "who said anything about you going back to the dorm?"

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College Stories: Special Treatment

I'm probably going to have to freeball it on the way back to the dorm." coach kipping grinned and tightened his grip around alex. "who said anything about you going back to the dorm?"

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Born to Be a Horny Stallion

He had gotten used to freeballing wherever he went, but this was a sacrifice he had to make if he wanted to get in other people's good graces. it was going to take some time getting used to underwear again.

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Knock Knock

Was this guy seriously freeballing? dylan was then greeted with chris's cock, two furry plump balls managed to squeeze themselves into the gloryhole, accompanied by a slowly inflating red rocket that was coming out of its sheath.

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Mind Breaker

But definitely wondering if he had freeballed his way over to my house. which would be both a little worrying and also hilarious.

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Wage Slave

Probably freeballing, too. once i'm nothing but a writhing little bulge within his suit, he stands and heads for the conference room.

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