The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (Ch 03 - 05)

Some people adjusted without any problems right from the get-go, others... well, there were a few who just never quite figured out a way of coping with the extreme disorientation of microgravity.

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Space Perversity 3001

In front of her was the still frozen corpse of the rat that was found outside the storage floating in microgravity. via private com link she was chatting with the doctor back in spacehopper 05. "what do you make of this? what happened here?"

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Borrowed Space, Part 2 [Patreon Commission]

Still, though, his heart beat in his chest on his way down the hall, the microgravity of the small craft forcing him to push off from the floor every now and then - he had _so_ much to settle, but he probably wouldn't be able to get back into contact with

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A Timely Autotheist Mistake

Her hips rose slightly against her restraints in the microgravity as an uncontrolled clench drew on her womb. she whispered the order, "charge." with that word the glaefrauen engine began to wind up.

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Project Universe - End

We can have sex as aliens in microgravity, or we can have sex as sperm whales in the darkness a kilometer beneath the surface. anything._ benjamin, along with his duplicate, bellowed his concordance. _excellent.

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Giant's Leap (Agency's Endgame)

Nobody had much experience in microgravity combat, let alone hand-to-hand, but ty had some theory backed by years of the agency's general combat training.

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Gymnastic Extirpation

At first it was like being in microgravity and he saw his phone rise out of his short pocket before he started to fall.

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Never Give (Him) Up

Heat control, water pipes, fuel pumps, microgravity bumpers, all nominal as expected. then, since his ship wasn't in any danger of being destroyed by some miniscule breach or cascade system failure, he turned off the panel and dressed himself.

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Space Rats 2.0: Strange Matters

All the new spacers ask why we don't just pull ourselves all the way up or down the ladder when we're in microgravity, launching ourselves to where we had to go with minimal effort.

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Awakening the Giants

He could barely make out the words "microgravity lift." that seemed promising. "good, i look forward to our little _date_," keith replied happily, while he slowly and carefully began to climb the mountain of containers.

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God of War Part I: Phobos, the Panic

He was used to martian surface gravity, or microgravity in his shifts on phobos station.

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Book Two: Lost In The Mist *FULL LENGTH*

I easily escaped the pull of the ship's microgravity, from all its mass. the stars around me spun slowly as i rotated in space. i felt dizzy and tried my best not to puke. oh, please don't puke.

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