Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull

increasing production goals would only result in a schedule slip since the work could not go faster. a messenger rabbit waited outside mccary's office. "mr. fullerman, i know this message is urgent, but mr. mccary's secretary wouldn't interrupt.



The first two about shoring up food supplies, increasing production until a reserve was created was met with muttered grumbles from the crowd, as well as groans and gurgles from the cages.

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Rise of Dragons - Part 2

Most people only worked 20 to 30 hours a week, as automation had drastically increased productivity. wages were still good, prices were relatively low, and their colony economy was stable.

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To Save the Farm

So long as their customers don't find out how the cider is being made, they can increase production tenfold! which is great for them, but pretty lousy for us. we would have been millionaires before we were thirty, but that's all over thanks to you!"

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All’s Fair in Love and Business

"and so you see, gentlemen and ladies, we can increase productivity by twelve percent while still maintaining our supply lines at no additional cost!"

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Family dinner

She wanted for this to never end but even the increased production was not enough to make it longer.

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Stripes and Chains 11 - Letting go

When the miners guild in the commerce clan threatened to claim my mines in the name of the empire it was her quick thinking that put in place plans that not only allowed them to stay in my possession but increased productivity.

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What Lies Below

Breasts growing even more, increasing productivity. her muscles faded under curves and soft flesh, giving her a much more approachable look. she groaned silently, finding discomfort in the sensation, due to it being the ultimate loss of her strength.

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Raven Wolf - Book 06 - Chapter 01

Regular breaks for both the mind and body not only help keep the wilds healthy but also increase production flow." levi shakes his head. "i've never seen it." genesis nods his head not at all surprised.

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[DolphinSanity] Gift Swap (Yes, Commodore)

Could 'gift' be used to increase production and release of those neurochemicals on which their species fed? intermittent spontaneous testing suggested yes.

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