Dog's Legacy: Entei

Plate sized lava cookie - 80 poke rare candy - 100 poke rage manju - 60 poke berry juice - varies depending on flavor (90-120 poke) moomoo milk - 80 poke bearticone - 65 poke malasada - 75 poke the list went on and on and nothing within 50 poke was

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Lee and Mina (Episode 3)

" feels so good to have another sucker to give me money for these", she thought to herself as she pulled out a package labelled "berry bombs", which were a rare candy made of various types of berries...but not from yiffberries.

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Graduation Celebration Indoctrination

It looked like they were waiting for him to say something, rather than look around like he'd been caught with his hand in the rare-candy jar. daniel felt, almost foolishly, like he'd just been appraised by the serpent's eyes and found wanting.

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 3

Odd, are they feeding them rare candies?" seo found her voice cutting in as scarf panted and chuckled again. "it's not that. inexperienced too; a headlong rush using a pokemon from a different region and in the dark." "a scare tactic clearly."

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Eight Years Ago

Granted his was a special case but like rare candy abuse and such, it was kept under wraps while people still did it. it was a frowned upon action, and this was no different in the eyes of society more than likely.

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Spygate: Living Up To Expectations

The operation involved the theft of several illegal goods, which were rare candy meant to be distributed to a charity organization. and for his service and performance, ken was called to the chief's office to be commended by him.

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[Commission for Jiroda] Super Effective

"i might have overfed him rare candies to make him evolve quicker." he admitted. "i started this whole training thing only a few weeks ago. i got a...another pokémon from a relative of mine."

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Heart, Mind, and Steel: A Pokemon Erotic Novella

If you won't give up your rare candy for humans, and stop these foolish dealings with a criminal syndicate... i will leave this house and never return... and don't even think about trying to put me back in my ball.

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Heroes Hunted

You heroes and your rare candy experiments have had an unfair advantage against villains,it's only a matter of time before i gather my own team and take over this city" thievul declared to him. "i... i won't let you..."

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The Best Little Pokémon Ranch in Kanto, Part 1

With a sudden sense of shock, i realized that those were rare candies, used by sufficiently wealthy trainers to make pokémon grow and evolve faster. ponyta was glowing above me, too, but my eyes were still glued to blitzle and absol.

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