Servicing a Trombonist

Of course, that situation was a rare one. i never considered an empty wallet to be a good reason for him to yell at me." "that sucks, man." the bear replied. he then got a call on his mobile phone.

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Legendary Luck -1- Conveniences of the Heart

Inside was the assortment of legendary pokémon, a few rare ones, and new comers to the hall.

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Nesca Chapter one

The rare ones who somehow survive are scorned and met with violence and hatred. ayan knew what he did was taboo but he took a deep breath and stepped out from his hiding spot into nescas view. as the rogue fox stepped into sight nesca took a sharp.

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Alpha Training – Chapter 2: The Training begins

rarely, one of them stepped on a branch and made it break and echo in the forest with a cracking noise or they groaned from a misstep. but the ground was not the only thing they got more sensible for.

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Lovin' a Vixen (A Moonlace Story) Chapter 2

That was because it was no ordinary book, but a really rare one titled everything we know about the things we don't know and it was by an individual gaufiin darius.

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Ricky & Lola

A rare one at that i happen to have a cream colored pelt, not a normal colored pelt. so now i'm sitting in my therapist's office four years later because spot died. my mom being concerned called mr.

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Adopted by Lizardmen

While i was initially excited by this, i eventually noticed that that the flower was a common plant rather then the rare one that i was seeking. while occupied with this, i heard a branch snap behind me.

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