Size Matters

Adele was a yellow labrador retriever of only modest breeding - the shape of her ears and the texture of her neck fur said something in the way of australian shepherd and her nose was delightfully collie-ish - and she was also tremendous.

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Double Edged

Groaning softly, the 23 year old black and yellow labrador struggled out of bed, twisting his lithe, yet well-muscled, frame to work out the kinks. he sighed happily, then got up.

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Graphic Violence

He was currently striking up a conversation with a patron at the end of the bar, a yellow labrador with a wide smile. _wait a minute,_ karl thought. _that's jimmy!_ jimmy was a friend of karl's father and the nicest guy karl had ever met.

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Stranded Part II

The eyes of his companions were hard, but now the object of their attention was the beta and the weakness he had shown to the soft yellow labrador; and in canine society, weakness was weakness despite the logic behind not resisting with a 500 lb tiger

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Chapter 19: Cleaning Up Messes

The three dogs, a yellow labrador in a yellow tank top, a sable sheltie with a pleated black skirt, and a dachshund in a pale green short-sleeved blouse, who jason was surprised to recognize as olivia clark (or whatever last name she was using now), leapt

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Snow Angel (2022 Christmas Special)

A yellow labrador happily rang him up, and even gave him a tree stand, a typical red and green colored one in a box. ronnie paid him with his debit card, which was rang out on an ipad.

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Werewolf Tale - Ten Chapter Sample

He arrived to find only nathan's sedan in the driveway, though with the ringing of the doorbell, ginger, his yellow labrador, started barking. "hush, girl. sit." nathan's commands were quickly followed by him opening the door. "hey, man." "hey."

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Hard Luck Woman

Phearson, a yellow labrador in his late fifties. he stepped outside in his formal attire and saw cyrus leaning on the bed of his truck, looking utterly exhausted as he filled out paperwork. "good morning, cyrus!" greeted the lab. "hey!

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 251-275

One was a yellow labrador retriever, and the other was a dalmatian. hannah wondered if those two boys liked the band's music at all, or if they had just bought tickets to swim in a sea of hyperactive and romantically-inclined young girls.

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Book Three: Behind Yellow Eyes *FULL LENGTH*

A bulky yellow labrador rhenthar marches up to us, holding out a piece of parchment while soldiers pile in behind him.

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