Devilish Deeds

Dia removed her tiara, and firmly pressed it into the hole with a _click!_ the engraving pulled the tiara down into the rest of it, and the lord's eyes lit up a bloody crimson. it lifted the orb further into the air.

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Fates of the Unicorns 70 - Healing

The icy cold nipple rings were probably less painful than the tiara, but because of the sexual nature of the rings he knew she would choose the tiara over them. it was much more sensitive, and gave instant feedback.

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Chapter 27: Going Native

In her hands, the newly trained telepathic vulpine saw a gold diadem.

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Mein neues chaotisches Leben Kapitel 3

Außerdem immer noch besser als dein talent, nutzlos tiara." die betonung lag auf die letzten beiden worte. nun riss der letzte faden von diamond tiara. „das wirst du noch bereuen. mein vater wird hiervon erfahren. dein leben wird zur hölle."

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Home to Stay

Namely diamond tiara and silver spoon. diamond tiara nuzzled my chest as she held onto me. "thanks again, james...

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The Tender

He wore bracers that were laced together along his wrists, most likely made from the same metallic material his tiara was made from.

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Krystal, Another threat / Chapter 3 : Experiment

Her corrupted tiara, melted to her forehead, records every thoughts and reacts with suit commands.

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Star Regresses

Five other people populated a large space with baby blue walls peppered with cartoon stickers displaying planes, tiaras and pacifiers.

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Between Rainbows and Butterflies

I honestly did not expect diamond tiara to react quite that strongly. i was at a loss for words. "uh... tiara?" she then squeaked out a response. "thank you..." i felt then that words were not needed.

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Family Love Chapter 1 Incest Rises

On the forehead was hair in the shape of a tiara with two flaps that came down the sides of the tiara hair. her ears were shaped like basic diamonds. her eyes were ice cold but had a warmth to them. zapper sighed. "fine. i'll get up."

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The Succubus and her Butler

I made a picture of a new tiara and i have to give it to the jeweler so i can have it by the ball." she drew a big x over the whole paper and pouted at him. "nyla, you can't be like that.

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Commission: 4oaKCh.1 Which Joker's Wild

I know you're still horny, doll... but tiara had to wait her turn, now you have to wait yours. you can rest on the couch for now." he took the quiet and insistently snuggly tiara into the bedroom, closed and locked the door.

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