Gina CatGirl 4

She never regretted it, even when leopardess came back, because furs are friendly and self-confident and not uptight. leopardess was the olderfur that ms. cheetah and tigress had come to, girl to woman, and mr.

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Ferina III - A Note from the Author

Being uptight or pushy is to a houyhnhnm rather rude and obnoxious.

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When you have something to protect!

Kim was surprised "your welcome ruffert...maybe now you won't be so uptight" she laughed as he did.

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The Odd Couple Part 3

"so that's it you prissy uptight vixen, jealous because i've got a chest and you don't.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 11

"and in concerns to her, she may seem a little bit uptight, but she has a deep love and respect for the wild tribes around the world. she wouldn't say anything that may endanger you and your people.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 15: Something Afoot

She only needed a minute and a half to have a solid feed to and from alvin and from there she'd be able to direct the laundry system to over-starch that uptight requisition officer's undies.

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Pawford, Ch 9: Spun Around

People always seem to be so uptight about stuff like that, y'know?" i tried to hide my eye roll behind a swig of beer. "what? being naked around others?"

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2626 CH 8 (An Orr World Story)

You weren't as uptight back then? you knew how to have fun?" "i slept with all the guys who weren't female exclusive in my school." "hey, congrats." the tiger slapped theo on the shoulder. "so, what happened to make you so uptight?"

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Broken Pine Part 1

Now he was just gunning for a fight and i was too nervous and uptight to know better. "ass is a swear word." i retorted. "swear word... are you nine or something?" he shook his head. "what, it is!"

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Frat Party Ch. 1

That frat was not only the one that had the most members and the largest house within the grounds and had to be the biggest secret on campus, though it was mostly the dean and board of education that didn't know about it, aside from the uptight

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Walter and His Mom - Part 1 (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

I know how uptight most people at your college are. so sad how repressed things seem to have gotten nowadays..."

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Oh, College: the Pent-Up Gender Bender/Blender

This is not an uptight religious institution, and we will not tolerate intolerance, because that notion contradicts itself as well as" "fine!" and she sat down aggressively. albus then raised their hand. "what is it now, albus?"

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