Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?

Blade ordered thinking about the next prides on his hit list. once again the army was on the move. "something funny rings?" blade asked the pregnant feline warrior next to him. "thinking about naomi, your slave sir." "tch!"

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The Star Lancers: The Curse of Cortes Ep. 3

You have her hit list. all you gotta do is set a trap, lay in wait for her to come to you." rose perked up at this and looked at koshka who smiled. "you see? my captainly decision is already paying dividends." rose sighed. "captainly isn't a word."

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Chapter Six - With Everything Eternal

He's going to be on the next hit list by tomorrow night." jacob said as he slipped the metal clip tie onto his pocket. "then i should see you again soon jacob." veronica said as she turned away and went through the double glass doors.

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Roses Drifting: Panther Caroso and Fox McCloud, Chapter 2

There were three more on his hit list. the big feline gently adjusted the scope as he watched vito take a seat, right in the perfect position... he couldn't take the shot yet...

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Regret Chapter 6

The leader of this group fled the system but his cronies are in place, here on papetoon, to hunt down a guy named zizan - the only remaining anglar general left on the hit list. zizan is here on papetoon and is lying low and not bothering anyone."

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Mechanical Work - Commission for Gilian/Blaise

Not only my target as a role model, but also one on basically, my hit list. i wasn't planning on killing the wolf, but rather beating the canine so soundly that the element of ice would have to choose me over him.

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Shadow Stalkers: Djinn Pt 1

Going from being a career soldier and serving in her world's special forces to being sold off as a slave had left her with a long hit list and scars that she learned could only be healed through violence.

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A Ghost Gets a Body

He was the quiet one, the one who eventually became pushed too far and is found one day with a loaded gun and a hit list. but kyle was nowhere near that point, and unlikely to get there.

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Moon Shadow Issue #1 "The Opening Gambit"

A response is made to: [[email protected]](%5c) from: [[email protected]](%5c) subj: hit list of a prowling wolf my top targets have been eliminated; not by you i'm sure. you are on the list but i'm saving you for last.

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Dynasty: Origins, Act 07: Jade Secrets

"i guess that adds onto my hit list for vinchi and bortelli then." "there are four," he said, opening the door. "bortelli is said to hold some power, but dons morta and jipper are also pretty powerful."

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Rebellion Chapter 9

"i'm afraid that we would have to disappoint you for we are not so easily killed, oh and another thing. you have just made a big mistake for you and those who serve you or you have allied with are now on the hit list of the black scythe rebellion and will

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Chapter Twenty Nine - Electra Shows Him Who's Boss

When i said she should act meaner to the ones on her hit list, i didn't actually think she'd get that mean... i thought as i turned my head, frowning as i looked back at cammy, realizing my whole lower back was soaking wet. "wow..."

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