Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 26

Komakwa's fighter is gaining on the squadron leader and will be in range of plasma weapons in seconds." they waited anxiously. the warhead had to deploy, and soon.

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Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 4

"since laser and plasma weapons were long since discontinued, it goes without saying that those such weapons were deactivated and long since rendered useless." "then explain the burn marks on those people out there," grimshaw muttered.

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Chapter V: Hybridpalooza, Part One

President asher said as he heard the familiar click of a plasma weapon activating and being pointed forward.

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The Taker Gets Taken - A Bal'Kar Rebirth

He leapt backwards and scrambled as far away from the car as possible, seeing the words 'project supernova' and 'warning: plasma weapon' printed on the side of it.

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Stellar Dreams, Chapter 1

"not that it was designed to stop plasma, a stunner, maybe even someone with a projectile weapon, but no one should have plasma weapons on a dock." she frowned as she mulled over the implications of that.

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The Taker Gets Taken (part 1)

"the plasma weapons can be on stand-by, but while the creature is still changing he can be contained and perhaps we can get the insight we're looking for." "humph, fine," major amaro grunted as he saw the group nod in agreement.

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The Wolf Hunters - Episode 11 - Slow Return

plasma weapons are just too ugly." "so is she dead?" i asked. the doctor shook his head. "no, but the damage is extreme.

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The Great Escape

"i hope you don't mind plasma weapons." i grabbed the shiny blue weapon and said, "nope, no problem at all." my hud synced with the weapons targeting system as soon as i laid hands on the handle and an aimer appeared on my display.

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Dystopia, A Fallout Story.

weapons, they killed sketches parents in front of him, blessedly quick deaths, they took sketch hostage, locking him in cuffs and a muzzle, tossing him on their vertibird.

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 8

Not to mention that heat syncs for this particular model had been infamously bad, part of the many reasons laser and plasma weaponry was the primary choice in the modern age.

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Alien's New Toy - By Draconicon

"wha-" plasma weapons clattered to the ground as the twelve man squad suddenly charged forward at the donkey, and nor was forced to focus on them instead. "what did you do to them?!"

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