Astaroth Ankh- The refugees

The kit was only fur and bones and she looked even worse that aster's body after when he had been in that hospital, after his family assasination.

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North and South Chapter 1: Special Ops

The weavile specialized in confusion and assasination, using double team to hide himself within a storm of body doubles and using false swipe to lower their guard, and then striking with a variety of lethal attacks such as shadow claw or night slash, and ice

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A Shifters Tale

Asked the digimon "because i saved his life from an assasin and he has the other one still with him, that is if he isn't dead yet" this seemed to take a few of them aback but they said nothing, the saber leomon took a step closer and sniffed


The Tale of Lasalem: Hoshi and Kara's beginning

They were the female assasin's weapon of choice...the gladr-moha. the leader laughed again and made a sweeping motion with his right arm, his confidence not even showing the slightest hint of faltering. "no matter!

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Shrika: the Hunt Begins

Nbsp; walking into a private changing room, she reached into the compartment on her leg, drawing out a credit chit she used to pay for the dresses; it could be traced, but all her cash had been burned along with her equipment, and she didn't want to use her assasins

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My magical experience Chapter 3: What happens when confused

Lizeron had a dark spot inside of him even though most times he didn't like it, he knew how to kill, his assasin training had made him an expert at knowing vital spots and not. death is a part of life, it stops it, and also it helps it go on.

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Blood in the Moonlight 1

He was an assasin and bounty hunter by trade and had no interest in the battle between good and evil.


Reigning Revision

Sabotage he was here for, not assasination. brenan considered what to do. he could move in closer for a better shot, but that would risk detection. or he could shout and distract them and hoped it proved enough time to shatter the crystal.

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The Razgriz Missions: Beginnings

I heard some of it, sounded like he might be involved with dose isaf assasinations that have been takin' place, but i don't know for sure. there, that's all i know, now please don't kill me please!"

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