Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Shining Armor.

''now with you as my husband, we shall rule the kingdom as husband and wife, and if you refuse, i will tickle rape you again........ and i won't stop. mwaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!'' she laughs evilly again.

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[Request] Couples Therapy

Responded husband and wife, both clearly surprised. "yes. you see, if a male spends enough time hanging on the edge of orgasm - say, a full year of edging without emptying his testicles - it's possible for the pipes to get a bit clogged."

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A Good Start to the Day

"alright mister, you got yourself a deal~" the two then leaned in for a kiss, which started out as a simple touching of lips, but eventually turned into a full blown session of making out as the kiss was retained while the husband and wife tongue wrestled

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The Hyena Prince: Chapter 3

The lord then looked back at the husband and wife pair, noticing that they too were becoming aroused by the motions of the hyena women. "i can offer you a more private place if you wish," he said graciously.

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Dragonnus and Sarra's 2nd Roleplay

''yes baby.....yes......this is your true purpose......this is your true desire....to marry me and be my husband.....to rule the world as husband and wife.'' ''\*fake grunting\*.....no.......\*moan\*...i...can't.....

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Learning together

"that's what husband and wife do together.", explained oshawott. "well, my partents doesn't do this!", argued teddiursa. "but i saw my parents to such things once.", explained oshawott. "they did?!", asked teddiursa. "when?!"

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Zootopia movie script: Point 223 Act 7 last part

I now pronounce you.....husband and wife. scene: everyone cheers. we see kimba hugging and noogi-ing keralu who's arm is in a sling. nick: this is where we ki......

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"the husband-and-wife stuff. you went a little crazy there at the end." she... went a little crazy? it took her a moment, then realized there was a knotted pair of panties next to them on the bed.

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 5

We kissed as husband and wife for the first time, right there in the presence of our closest loved ones. it was a memory i hoped would never leave my heart.

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Somewhere Out There Act 20 - Drown

Spending time with my husbands and wife to make sure everything makes sense. that each line is within character, that each character is at least decently interesting! i don't have to do this. i don't have to post these things-let alone for free.

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A New World: Home

Huffing and puffing the husband and wife snuggled together beside the fire light until rose spoke, "as comfortable as you are, the floor isn't quite as comfortable as our new bed should be."

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