Tails of Aginvault Chapter One; Orianna

"some kind of bookshop." jace muttered, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder. "don't remember seeing this place before though. hello?!" his voice echoed through the dark shop, but there was no answer. shrugging, jace walked deeper in among the shelves.

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Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen: Four Sisters, Part 2

On the day before todd's big date, i sat lounged out in a chair of the bookshop. "oh god what am i going to wear?" todd kept muttering and pacing. i put the old book that was practically mine down.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Seven

I mean, i should call liam, first, to see if he can join me and _then_ go to the bookshop and find the books we need. um, i should probably apologize to conor and the alpha for not having started studying up on the teleporter...but, uh, portal first.

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Simple Beginnings: Four Months Later

Mick was closing up the bookshop and setting the alarm when he heard a knock at the door. suspicious, he took his revolver out of the drawer beneath the cash register, just in case.

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While stopped in the north dakota mountains near a cherokee reservation, she wandered into atohi's bookshop and met the enigmatic, sexy and charming hybrid panther of aztec and cherokee heritage.

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First Patrol - Collaboration with Minothebull

Horns ordered him, his big paw pointing at the free space between a bakery and a bookshop. "but there is nothing there..." the lupine protested. why should this bull with a middle-age crisis go there, he didn't know. "i said turn there.

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Legal Limits

A couple days later, i had just been told that they were cutting back at the bookshop i worked at and my ex had contacted me saying some very hurtful things. i decided that i needed someone that i could rely on, someone that could make me feel better.

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Peeler's Reel

Anderson's bookshop. holiday at blackpool beach. christmas. birthdays. school plays. weddings. funerals. parades. concerts. more newspaper clippings. letters. postcards. paintings the children had made...

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Slave (Part 2)

Karl knew what he wanted so he when into the bookshop whilst i looked at some of the other shops. i came back and found him sitting on the sidewalk. karl had always been furclad.

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Kevin Stair Sticks the Landing: Part 2

"bookshop. dad and mom ran it and we lived upstairs. i spent a lot of time reading. believe it or not, i was the fat kid of my neighborhood and didn't get picked to play football a lot. my name didn't help a lot either."

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Encounter at Farpoint

"he had gotten my address from the bookshop office, and he sent me chocolates and a card with his phone number, and i called him, and he asked if we could meet, and then we met at the library last tuesday." "and you kissed."

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Apologia II

She spoke english, though this was an english language bookshop in paris.

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