Black Project Files Chapter 5 (edited)

Wikenberg smiles as she takes the paper out from the typewriter, into a folder, stands up and kisses him deeply then opens a door to a shower room that also leads to an indoor swimming pool.

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Dancing With Fire: Chapter 31

It was times such as these that he regretted sending his old typewriter sailing over the horizon. oh well. stolas spent the better part of the hour writing, discarding, and revising drafts.

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Ander's Zombies--Chapter 1

Delia doesn't object; she is in her own mind and calculating, watching the text and the hammers of a thousand typewriters of a thousand monkeys writing thousands of possible futures. "that's fine," she says, "that's perfectly fine."

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Leuphe's Backstory

The wooden desk behind me held the typewriter, still warm, and the pages of my short memoir to detail my adventures. "oh quiet, 'pet'. it makes me feel better to use it!"

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Hidden Desires: Rising Tensions

** ** clackity went the irritatingly familiar keys of the outdated typewriter. paperwork had been piling up again and so had the need to unwind. after the last encounter at suel's home, sapphire had been a little hesitant to say anything to him.

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Nucleus Accumbens

Even the printing details had been omitted in favour of the story _"the typewriter arises blood and semen," the serpent says, "immortal kraken rising from the sea, no more shall you and i be parted."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 96 - If She Haddaway

The fan whirred to life in that familiar way, and the ticking sounds followed like the click of typewriter keys at super speed. a moment later, the monitor light went from orange to blue, and the screen suddenly came to life.

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Epilogue

When i brought up images of rob's typewriter from the past, i realised that some of the old markings on it had the seal engraved into it. and now it was gone... ... and so was _any_ thought of a _crimson series_ movie.

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Homecoming, Part 1

Given that he was no longer thinking about typewriters, she relaxed. "too much trouble, i think, considering the atmosphere. hundreds of degrees--even probes will just melt... i wouldn't want to walk on it."

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(:emptyroom:)Chapter Stylistic variant

The y and the z keys are switched, in an odd maneuver, and the keys of typewriters were nowhere near this... phantasmagoric.

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