Avoid Strange Caves

There were only smooth walls in the hill and no caves in sight. bill continued walking until the valley came to an end. once there, he had to decide whether to continue on or to climb the hill.

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A Great Day in The Cave

A Great Day in The Cave This one is from an rp done by two friends of mine, given permission by them both hopefully to take this and place it into a storyish mode of being. And then I will share it with all those of you who will think this as...

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The Dangers of Cave Exploration

* * * The Dangers of Cave Exploration, by Zennith Mehathvin * * * The fox stretched in bed, the silk sheets feeling smooth and slick against his fur. Opening his eyes, he was greeted with a late-morning sunlight shining through floor-length white...

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The Tentacles of Altec Cave

-For you, Harpsichord! Hope you like. ;D- A human male stared intently at a cork board, reading the different advertisements and requests for bounty hunters. That's what he was, actually. Jake and his team of Digimon, cleverly reduced into data and...

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Chapter 3: The Cave

**Chapter 3: The Cave** The lizard gasped as he pulled back from the elephant's cock, drool and cum leaking from his lips in equal measure. Coughing at the thick goo half down his throat, Nataraj slowly pulled back from Juraan's crotch and tried...

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Inside a Starry Cave

Lightning shards cracked the sky apart. The cheetah hissed, startled by the thunder echoing through the forest. He licked his muzzle twice, tongue disappearing inside an overly wet muzzle. The fat hare he ate was nothing but trouble. It took an hour of...

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Steaming up the cave

Charmander, or Charsi as her friends called her, let out a panted breath and shivered. The air felt like ice against her too-hot body. She knew the cave was comfortable, she'd been living here for months with her partner. Shortly after they formed a...

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In the Warm, Dark Cave

**In the Warm, Dark Cave** ~ by Agrius "Kiss me," the Khajiit panted amorously against where he thought my hearing ducts might be. His claws pitted marks into my wrists as he pinned me to the slimy cave wall. "Kiss me, or I swear by all the gods...

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Night Hopper's Cave

**Night Hopper's Cave** _By: Jeremiah Nighthopper_ Moss blanketed stone walls that were smooth and stretching up as guardians of the earth looking down. Stalagmites, seeping moisture of the day, drip by drip, adding to the pool beneath. Refreshing...

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Tales in Taboo: The Cave

Your sharp ears pick up footsteps near the harsh rocky outcropping in front of your cave. They're assertive and steady in their rhythm, another slayer no doubt. You don't bother rising from your relaxing nap, don't even open your eyes, just listen....

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Kindling: The Frozen Cave

The Kindling Wow, just browsed through Ticklishways AKA Zachdragon Gallery, and found some real inspiration for new stories! I don't know how many of my readers like Pokemorphs, but here's my first shot at a new short...

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The Cave of Lost Lovers

The Cave of Lost Lovers * * * (No one is allowed to take credit for this work apart from me. If you want to use it somehow, I would appreciate it if you were to get in touch with me first.) * * * (A very brief, dark oneshot I thought up some time...

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