Where are you taking me?

He just had to wait one hour, one calm and lonely hour without anyone by his side... chapter 1 his mother then finished up his sack [lunch](http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5251489/#), "okay dear, are you ready to go?"

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My Life is Super Issue 5 - Reap What You Sow

Enjoy **reap what you sow** ** ** **side chapter: reap what you sow** it's funny. all of this really started with you, gabe. you tried to do the right thing by your family. you were struggling, your world centred around your two boys.

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Ace's intentions

#7 of i'm real (scales & wings) here is my next chapter... well side chapter cuz it's from the view of ace but it is long enough by my terms to be a full legnth chapter so i'm just putting that out there anyway i'm hoping this will add a little more understanding

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Chapter 34: The Bright Side

#34 of fox hunt 3: sword and stone the bright side chapter 34 in the darkness of night, the snow seemed to glow, and azrian stood on the white hill, her face lifted as she gazed at s'pru. it was burning.

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Chapter 52 Marvene's Side

#52 of fox hunt 2: the queen of varimore marvene's side chapter 52 marvene had resigned herself to just bleeding out. she was too miserable to care. too miserable to move.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 25 (Final Chapter)

As of book 4 we will be back with malakye as the primary pov, with maybe some side chapters featuring other characters povs.

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My Final Destination...? (Dachii's Finale)

Is because i have a little inspired idea, the story doesn't have to end here so if i get enough encouragement i might just try a few side chapters but it's completely up to you readers out there.

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Aqua Vitae

Nars hiccups in reply, arching his back and bending down on hands and knees on the couch as his rudder tail shaking from side to side.

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The Island - Chapter 3 (A Run in the Park)

You will be obligated to participate in certain videos that are assigned to you, as per your contract, but there is nothing stopping you from picking up a few extra jobs on the side."*************************************************************************

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Independent: Episode Cedar

#11 of independent side chapter #3 of independent a quick look into cedar's thinking as he deals with the parallels of having to deal with another ip from allale being brought into ryker's influence. cedar and decanter share many similarities.

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