Stuck in Orbit Chapter 1

Barnabus' unconvincing attempt to cover up his tall tale instantly failed, each and every single man seeing his lies for what they were.

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A Short Walk to the Past

Has she told you the tall tales of our beginnings with this building?" "we'd only just arrived." his smile grew larger. "then allow me the privilege of escorting you back in time." he leaned forward, conspiratorially.

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Zootopia Park 13/13 (FINAL)

"and listening to some tall tales." "well, from now on, could you all take your 'breaks' in the "break room" for which it was designed?"

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Tooth and Sweet: A Fence, A Fight, And A Blunder

"that's enough tall tales for now. my my, you really can tell 'em sometimes. you could become a writer of grand fiction if you put your mind to it. oh, well.

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twelve

Maxx finished his tall tale and the hunters shouted with glee. bh tried not to roll his eyes at the foolishness but he didn't want to ruin the hunter's fun. technically they were like children and had no idea how big a lie they were being told.

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Two

I've never seen you play and i think it's time to end your tall tales you keep telling." lou replied. "are you calling me a liar, sir?!!!" i said incredulously. tyger wanted to spare his feelings so that he would not lose in front of his father.

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Summer Time Fun - Part 1

"tall tales from a tall bull," jaz chuckled. "apparently your mom didn't teach her boy that lying was a no-no." "ain't that the damned truth," fran muttered. kyle ignored the blonde bimbo and concentrated on the sexy lab before him.

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Myth of the Macro Mightyena

A good majority simply had no luck in their search and chalked up the rumors to a tall tale created by some prankster for a few laughs.

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Dragon's bane Pt2

The drunk wizards were telling tall tales, and javid was choosing a potion, so no one but me heard the sound of draco teleporting in, but i could hear him speaking in his own reptilian language to the huge dragon.

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Against All Odds: Part 3 - White Lies

As horrifying as they were, these stories had always seemed to be just that; stories, tall-tales told to cubs by their elders in order to scare them into finishing their vegetables at dinnertime.

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Gator Nights

There weren't really swamp monsters or anything like that, those were just tall tales. "it's just my imagination, he whispered to himself, "there aren't really monsters, i'm just hearing things."

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