A Seed of Doubt

I will unlock your inner dragon and break that roar that is still a petty mew for mother's cud." tina opened her mouth for a moment then closed it, she was at a loss for a words.

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The yearly sacrifice

The gods made thinking and unthinking critters bone knawers and cud chewers all is fair play in the gods game of life. besides it was the rabbits idea.

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Sergeant Fur (M wolverine/F bear semi-anthro on feral bestiality)

He smelled them before he saw them and was on a caribou, belly down in the snow and and chewing its cud, before it could stand up. the most efficient way to kill one was to leap on its back and use his knife.

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Bull and Fox-04 the Fox Returns- for good

Me mouth was moving, like i had cud in it, but i weren't saying nothing, -- at all. so to forestall my frustration i quit then, and just nodded to him. that might have summed me thoughts.

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The Lab and the Fawn

Wanted to talk to her friend but she spent practically every moment eating, it was like the food she ate never went to her stomach, beau would talk to her and she would give him short answers between bites there were moments when she would settle to chew the cud

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Fire, Life, & Paradox (rev.)--Scesmoon

"watch your mouth, cud-chewer. maybe you've taken up with the loons who live here, but i can tell you're not packing anything besides that stupid magic of yours.

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He tossed and turned the cud for a few seconds, then he threw his large feline head back and made a tremendous gulp, finishing his live meal. feral desires satisfied, he licked his lips. he'd enjoyed the hunt, no matter how brief.

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Tales of Daemia CH1: Rude Awakening

"i assed earlier but u two barged in her 'for he cud answer me!" oh here it comes. i was about to have to say my name out loud to complete strangers. _great._ i sighed. "my name is fr-" _why? i could change my name.

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Walk With Me Quiet

"cud." "oh." a slight giggle from her. "yeah ... " "haven't spent much time around cows," the mouse explained. "i've spent time around mice," she said. "lot of them in the countryside. the farmland. that's where i'm from."

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The Local Weather

"so, what's cud, then?" petra wanted to know. "you chew it like gum?" "it's not like gum," hyacinth assured, chew-chewing. chewing. "you probably don't wanna know the details." a giggle-moo.



He worked his muzzle, chewing his cud so to speak, working up a nice ball of phlegm before opening his lips and spitting, the globule describing a perfect arc through the smoke before impacting the lion's nose with a satisfying splatter.

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An Era of Chivalry 11 - The Humble Harvest

Different only by their bodies and emotionless expressions, chewing the cud or snuffling around. he felt a more mundane equivalent of surprise that he felt from ibis island. those like him and those he knew, but primal. beastly.

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