A Fox's Descent 5

And so they fell, drifting further, further, further away, until they were so far in trance that all they could do was drool as they were skull fucked. their ear never ached, but felt stretched, their mind washed out with perversion.

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No Longer Alone

While slightly choking, pre drizzled out of ariph's nostrils and djimak snickered silently at this sight and continued to skull fuck the black dragon.

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Chapter III – Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

"let the sorry shack of shit rot in his own skull fucked prison ..." without saying anything to kelvin, the three thugs followed their boss out the door, smashing kelvin's home built drug lab on the way out.

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Conversion Co.: Male Sector

I skull fucked him as he lay there taking it in the mouth. i was so in ecstasy with him i didn't even notice the other rooms, the guys in them, what was happening to them?

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Of Mice and Nagas

At last the great reptile could take it no more, the two boys had gone limp and were simply letting him skull fuck them as he pleased, putting up no sign of resistance. saleek let out a loud moan as he released, shoving both boys all the way down.

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Tails X Amy (New World) Day 1

He had seen skull fucking and wanted to try it out himself this once, see how it would affect her. amy's eyes went up and she stopped, wanting him to take control now. and that he did, starting to thrust into her mouth at high speeds.

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Soul Rebellion #02: Sin

After a few minutes of constant deep rough skull-fucking, shinobu growled, almost sounding like a feral beast, and thrust one last time hilting deep in the foxe's throat.

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The Rogue: Drenith

Letting a groan of pain out the fossa ground his teeth together as he placed both paws on his head as the familiar tingle surged through his skull. "fuck... seems you don't need my help kid." looking upon the recruit he broke into a smile.

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Piggy and her teachers.

Then he started to tell her a story that she could barely hear over the plug vibrating at max speed in her pussy, and april now thrusting her long horse cock into her asshole, all while getting skull fucked by a wolf.

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Springtime 3: Humphrey x Garth

The thought of dominating this proud alpha and skull-fucking him into submission forced a spurt of pre out of him, landing on the back of garth's tongue. the alpha couldn't get enough of the taste.

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[Patreon] The Accidental Slaves

Her ears laid flat against her skull. "sex slaves? but i, but, but... i couldn't use you like that." "why not, mistress?" jasmine asked. "you did tell me more than once that you found my husband very attractive."

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