heaven or hell, introduction

Anger subside they discriminate me push me out for what i am, a vampire they told me i'm pure evil but i have done no wrong im forever stuck in purgatory waiting judgement there must be there has to be away to get out before im done here i will shake the heavens

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Inside Your Heaven

Chapter 5 inside your heaven "so what are gonna be doin' over the next two months?" kilik awoke from a daze and looked over to daniel. since it was sunday, people would think the were getting lunch after church or something to that effect.

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Seven Minutes in Heaven

That may not have been seven minutes, but that was sure heaven.

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A Match Made in Heaven

The feeling of her warm petals against his scales and the gentle rubbing of her leaves was a heavenly sensation as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. resting in the warm embrace of his flower, he moaned as her tight sex autonomously suckled him.

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2- Tower to Heaven

Like cross dressing. oh, and doors that make the whole building a maze, since their connected by interdimmensional mini wormholes, so to speak now more ^owo^ little black and white lie 2 tower to heaven i walk with her, hand in

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When the Heavens Fall

_Alright this week I manged to get out the smut story I wanted to. Streams Chapter 4 hasn't even been started but I'm hoping to get it started tomorrow. This is my first smut story and I was planning it to be around 12 pages and it somehow turned out...

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That Little Corner of Heaven

_ **I am open for** _ [**_COMMISSIONS!_**](https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455)_ **If you want your own, personalized story,** _ [**_Click here _**](https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455) [**_Support me on Patreon_**](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs)_...

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Drinking at the Seventh Heaven

The man moaned loudly, taken aback with the ferocity and suddenness of the barmaid's assault and was quickly shoved over the edge as her heavenly soft lips wrapped around the tip of his manhood.

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That Place 8: Heaven

I felt home, and that felt as close to heaven as i was... we were... going to come for a long, long time.

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Thirty Minutes in Heaven

Dobber interrupted saying, "let's play 'seven minutes in heaven'. you got a bottle jacob to see which of us'll start?" the corgi jumped in, saying, "open the presennnnnnts!" mike said, "i'll open your mom!" robert said, "gross, mike...

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Upon the Throne of Heaven

Diablo sets his sights on the heavens and will do anything to conquer it upon the throne of heaven imperious lay on the floor of the throne room of the council, his armor removed as he was left there, his wings held down in shame and embarrassment

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Heaven Above Earth

Lep found himself on a luxury orbital called heaven's sphere. his work was far away, outside the large window he stood in front of, down among the lights that shone from the continent where he lived.

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