Dragon Four-some

Story by strieksolo1 on SoFurry

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Couldn't come up with a better title

Large hands cupped her breast pulling a moan from her throat, a blush crawled across her muzzle. Her mate rumbled his pleasure in her ear, his hands knowing how to bring out the heat that was lurking just below her scales. Those large hands slipping up underneath her thin nearly see-through dress, stroking her inner thigh the dragoness's moans slipping from her mouth. Even the slightest touch made her like this, the large drake grinned whispering in her ear baritone notes of lust and tenderness. She whined her body reacting to the sound of his voice as much as the hand that was now working it's way to the wetness between her legs. She smiled as he wrapped a hand around her neck, resting right where their bond rested, her psychic collar displaying that she was owned by him and only him.

The kitsune Iris was humming to herself some stupid Japanese pop song that her sister had gotten stuck in her head. She found it quite amusing that her sister pushed her Japanese culture on to her when she denounced all of that when she was accepted into the Day of the Dead Coven. Iris shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside for the moment silently preparing to face the two dragons that were consequently her bosses. It wasn't that she was afraid of the two immortal dragons, no not at all. She smiled at herself, maybe she was afraid of them a little, but being an immortal being herself there was little that frightened her, but the two dragons that had fought in countless wars, watched the rise and fall of empires (maybe causing a few of the falls themselves), and were part of the greatest race of creatures that ever existed that laid the groundwork for some of the greatest empires like Egypt and Greece. She had to admit that she was a slight bit afraid of them.

Once she pushed open the door she froze at the sight of the two dragons. Tambriel wrapped in her mate's embrace like a drug that Enryous could be, her violet eyes closed her mouth slightly parted it was like she was in rapture. Enryous had a wicked feral grin on his lips, he hand working between her legs. He stiffened suddenly his golden eyes snapping to the kitsune. Those orbs burning a hole into her, she was used to it. "This is the financial report you requested and also there is a dragon and his mate waiting quite impatiently for you two downstairs. So whenever you get a chance to invite your guests up here that would be great. The male is rather difficult to deal with" With a wicked grin she met his eyes piercing her eyes into his amber shield. "Though I have had ample practice dealing with difficult dragons." He snarled at her, but she just grinned turning throwing the file folder onto the messy desk before leaving.

Tam was embarrassed, she was never one for public sex, she thought things, like making love and ravishing another person was meant to be a passionate and beautiful thing, not something that was to display. He scales burned with a blush as her mate helped her straighten her dress and rub on scented oil to hide her aroused state. He grinned his hands pressing across her neck, she shivered as the collar tightened. She was beautiful, he body made of starlight, her very soul mated to darkness. She grinned reaching up to touch his cheek, a tender touch to bring his mind into focus. The inner voice quieting, his mind-bending to her, bowing to his queen.

Roman was never a patient dragon, he despised lines there was a time where he ordered ahead in a coffee shop just to walk in and grab his coffee and walk out with everyone staring at him. He was a jackass, the ice drake knew that, but there was something about him that charmed people no matter if he despised them or not. That something was Vraska his mate, she was royalty. She belonged in a gold lined palace with servants and the gods bending to her will. But she adored his inner cold, he put up with his bullshit. Even know he had brought them to this club, Sweaty creatures bumping and grinding in a space that probably without the people would have been gorgeous, but the creatures messed all of that up. But even still she was a goddess, her golden body sitting artfully at the bar, a thin stemmed glass in her hand, her laugh cutting through the electronic beat of this place. He was certain he was to only one who could hear it.

Vaska enjoyed the night, even if her body was made to be a piece of the sun, she enjoyed the seductive pull of the darkness. She was a goddess in her homeland, she was worshiped as a deity. Then Roman came, he was different and strange and elegant, his hands always evoked that lure in her to dance in the nighttime black. She ran away with him, deep into the night and that first night they made love under the stars. She had a special place for darkness.

The icedrake moved plucking her off of the stool as he saw the witch kitsune come down the stairs. She nodded at them motioning with her head to climb the dark steps up to the office that overlooked this place. They climbed the stairs, his mate's hand in his. The large wooden door was ajar when they reached the top. With a sigh he pushed the door open, The room inside was a large nice office with a small desk against the back wall, an Egyptian looking rug covering the wooden floor. The windows were covered in blackout curtains to keep the strobe lights from the club from finding their way inside. It was quite a lovely space.

Tam was the one to move forward to greet Roman, she was just as beautiful as the ice dragon remembered. He took her hand and kissed it, she was the queen and this was her court. Enryous moved next first to Vaska, he welcomed her, his baritone voice just as rich as Roman remembered. These two were legends, his mate maybe a goddess, she is and always would be to him. But here, those dragons were alphas and Roman and Vaska bowed to them.

"It's been too long my friends, what are you in town for,I doubt you just came to see us." Enryous showed them into an adjacent sitting room, with plush red couches which Tam promptly sprawled out on one. She was never one for gallantry. Roman settled himself on the couch with his mate to him "Actually we are here for Vaska, he translated an ancient Indian text for the History museum in New Dehli and she is being awarded for it here in the states." Tam leaned forward her violet eyes turned to Vaska. His mate was not phased by the white dragon like most were. Her voice was calm when she answered the question. "It is a journal of a dragoness and her migration from Atlantis to India. It was quite interesting. " Tam suddenly looked excited, Enryous was observing like he always did, his hand moved to rest on his mate's leg. Vashka looked between the elder dragons, her eyes widening in realization. "You two were Atlantian!" Roman's gaze snapped to Enryous, as long as he had known him he never remotely even hinted that they were from the homeland.

The Chaos drake sighed before leaning forward, his hands clasped before as if he was in prayer. "We were hatched there, in the great hatchery overlooking the sea. " Vashka's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. " Please go on. " Even though he didn't want to he did, his voice tight. "I never knew my family, they never wanted anything to do with me. Which was all and well, not many people cared about chaos dragons back then. They were seen as worthless as threats to the Empire, so I was thrown into the army." Tam placed a hand on her mate's back her eyes concerned. But En continued none the less. "It was nearly five hundred years till I figured out what I could do, the power I wielded over Chaos it's. It bows to me, I am its king." He took a deep breath and with a snap of his fingers a dark orb appeared in his hand, every color ever known was in that orb. "This " Enryous motioned to the baseball size orb that was resting in his hand. "This could make all of your organs turn to mush in a matter of a second. I could destroy Atlantis with a flick of my wrist. Everyone feared me. " The orb faded absorbing into his skin like vapor. "It was years later very lonely years, at a fire night that I met Tam" Tam grinned and slipped into her mate's lap, his hands wrapping around her waist. The heathen god and his queen. "I, on the other hand, knew what I was when I was born, you see my egg was silver, pure solid silver. The metalmancers claimed me before I could lick my scales clean. I had years of training." She grinned her armor just shimmering enough to be seen on her skin before she let it drop.

Roman was in awe, they really were gods. He might have been an ice dragon but the scale of control they had over their own powers was unimaginable in this world now. The white dragoness continued. "I was sent into battle when I was an adolescent, single-handedly did I save Atlantis from total annihilation. I was crowned savior of the realm and promised to a prince of the House of Night. A stuffy dragon that didn't like that his lineage might have my white genetic defect in it. He tried to lock me away. " Enry growled his claws tensing around his mate. "Let's skip this part, my Love." Tam grinned at her two guests. "Let's just say that there was no House of the night when I finished with it. It was the night that I met enry, the blood of my supposed reward still dripping on my talons." She grinned a feral grin. "He rutted me under the fire touched moon that night and since then we were together."

Vashka sank back into Roman's arms completely stunned. "So you two have been together over ten thousand years?" They nodded eyes gleaming with pride. Roman only had one question. "What did you guys wear in Atlantis, Vashka has read many interpretations but she doesn't know. " His mate glared at him for such a question. "How could you ask such a thing, Roman?" He just shrugged he was curious.

Tam grinned her wicked teeth glowing in the soft light of the room. "You wanna see darling, " She slinked off of En, whose eyes were glued to her body with a step she was on the coffee table her clothes changing, silver bangles appearing around her wrists as her fingers spread her scales covered in purple silk pants adorned with silver embroidered morning glories on the waistband. Drawing attention on how low her pants were hanging on her hips. She grinned as she felt the males it the room shift as she moved her hips, her breasts covered in a thin tunic shirt that hugged her curving chest keeping a strip of her scales visible on her stomach.

Vaska was watching the males, they were enamored by her movements, she was beautiful, a mighty powerful dragoness that was so sure of herself. Something that Vaska was not, she felt small next to Tam, not that the white dragoness made her fell that way. On the contrary, Tam was kind to her she had always been but she was a Queen, a dragoness that bowed to no one. Her hands were suddenly grabbed yanking her golden self up with Tam onto the coffee table. Those violet eyes meeting hers as she felt power ripple across her skin. Tam grinned as Vashka looked down at herself. Her breasts were clothed tightly with the same white fabric that covered Tam's own. But that's where the similarities ended, her hips were coated in black pearls with just a thin piece of cloth slipping over her bottom and front, leaving just enough to the imagination that was enough to tantalize the males in this room.

"This is what the females of Atlantis performed, we were free women. We could bed anyone we wanted." Her hand tracing a hand down the slender column of the golden dragoness's neck enticing a shiver from her. "We could be Queens and Goddesses." Her talons scraping along her throat until that hand wrapped around her neck, a soft grip nothing threatening. "We could be dominant or submissive. So, Vashka, What do you want to be?"

The question hung in the air like a mantra, the air thick with female scent. Enryous grinned at Roman, his teeth wicked, then looked to his wife. She was his, and his alone, but the way she looked at that young dragon, her hand around her slender throat made his cock twitch in his pants.

The pearls rattled as she fell to her knees in front of Tam, her eyes glued to the elder dragoness. With a grin the white drake wrapped her hand around the younger dragon's neck leaning down and brutely kissing her, her tongue and teeth ravaging that petite mouth. A gasp slipped out of the golden female her claws shaking reaching up to touch the white scaled Queen, but they paused shaking there waiting. Tam pulled back her mouth pink and swollen, a wild grin splitting her lips. "I'll give you a choose little one" Her voice was husky, the two males in the room growled low in their chests, she owned them, all of them in that room. She was a Heathen, a goddess, a witch, a fetish. She was what every man wanted but none could have, they couldn't contain her raw power. Enryous grinned, as she stood, she snapped her fingers Vashka was naked. She tried to cover herself, Tam clucked at her before snapping her fingers once more causing those tiny hands to snap to the Indian drake's side.

Tam felt on fire, her scales were hot and purred with her own arousal. Her eyes wandered over to Roman, who to was not bashful about raking his eyes across her body. She grinned, a great toothy grin as she turned to his mate, whispering into her ear motioning to her own mate. Vashka grinned, her smile wild. Tam suddenly was in his lap, her hands running the membranes of his wings, everything snapped into focus as she did that. As if he was seeing the world for the first time in a long time. Now, it was not that Vashka was bad in bed, that was something that was actually the opposite. But for Roman he always liked something; he ran a claw down her collared throat; he couldn't have. The dragoness grinned as she straddled him. The Ice Drake groaned as she ground against him, her hips wild. She leaned down her tongue and teeth against his neck sending him into a feral fury. Roman growled at her, she just laughed as she sat back on her feet, her hands scratching down his chest to his swollen dragon-hood between his legs.

Enryous didn't honestly know what to do with the small dragon that was moving in his lap. She was gorgeous and Exotic, but he didn't want to piss off Roman either. No matter how much he wanted to ravish the young dragoness before him, he looked at his male friend who's head was thrown back against the back of the couch as his own white scaled mate stroked his fat black cock. To Enryous that sight there in itself almost drove him into a slight madness. Fuck it he said to himself as he slid his hands up over her body, her scent of jasmine engulphing his nose, with a growl she pulled her closer, she yelped as his tongue flicked over the sensitive spots on her golden neck. She whined as his fingers found her wet cunt, as they lazily encircled her engorged lips.

Without warning he slipped a finger inside of her, she moaned into his neck as she ground down on his one finger. In a ravenously husky voice, he whispered in her ear, "You know your only going to cum around my cock as I pump my cum into your fucking tight cunt." The golden dragoness groaned loudly, her hips slowing down knowing she couldn't fuck herself an orgasm off of his one finger. With a slurp, he pulled his finger out of her bringing it to his mouth sucking her exotic juices off of it. She was enticing, "Come here darling, taste yourself" He kissed her then, her body alight with heat, his cool in comparison pressed against her.

Roman groaned as her mouth came off of his soaked cock with a slurp and pop. She grinned up at him as her hand squeezed his knot, he saw stars. Her voice was the voice of the devil herself as she said: "You want this big thing in me, you losing control of yourself, just as Enryous is losing his control of your mate." She giggled then took his cock, knot and all down her throat. Darkness swam at the edge of his vision, his hand entangling in her black nearly purple, then fucking her face with reckless abandon. His control fraying dramatically as she moaned her scent exploding around him. A growl ripped from his chest with a wild frantic need that she brought from the depths of his very being. Somewhere in his mind, he heard his mate slipping down onto his friend's cock, haveing the Elder's cock inside of her for the first time causing her to orgasm around him. Her head thrown back beautiful red hair falling down her back.

Good gods were she tight and hot, a delicious mix of gold dragon bouncing like a common whore on his fat cock. Her wings flared out behind her as he pulled her down right to the knot, scratching patterns in her back. All these things making her moan loud enough for the club to hear her. Thos Amber eyes opening just a slip, witnessing his own mate slide down on his friend's black cock. Her breath ripped from her body as she was filled, his knot resting just at her entrance, that white tail moving aside so that he could witness the moment. He smiled a small private smile, she always thought of him even bouncing on another dragon's cock, she was his and only his.

When the white dragoness move on him, his roar shook the room. His hands cool with frost running up over her breasts the cool making her arch against him. Her nipples erect her violet eyes alight with sensual fire. Her mouth was a weapon as she whispered sensual words into his very mind. Her scent driving him insane, his musk fogging her head. "Beg for me witchling" She groaned her body shaking, aching for his cum to fill her. The icedrake felt that her cunt pulsing around his large cock as he ripped the begging from her chest.

The golden dragoness came before Enryous was done with her, she whined her orgasm against his neck. He just clucked his tongue at her as he bit at her neck. "Shame you came, I don't see to be done with you yet, guess I'll just have to wring another one out of you. "He roared as she looked at him her eyes a smolder with arousal, "Do it then big boy" He chuckled darkly before flipping onto the couch, his cock dripping with her cum and juices. She presented herself to him spreading her legs lifting her tail. His wings flared out behind him as he fully sheathed himself inside of her, knot at all he gave her all of one second to adjust to the knot before he moved. His pace brutal and dominate his teeth in her neck.

Roman felt one with Tam as he came in her, his mind sparking with her, his hand's Ice against her fire. Her cunt tight and pulsing against him She was marvelous, wicked and the devil all at the same time. For just a moment he glimpsed the extent of her power as they were one mind at that moment. The vastness of what she was, the fact that the world itself could not bind her was the reason that he pulled himself back into his own mind. He was just a speck in her immense power that could swallow the world. They came down together, she smiled at him as she pulsed around his cock. The dragoness was everything that she wanted to be and more, she was the holder of her own leash she was subservient to no one, equal to all. Queen, goddess, and mate to only one.

Enryous roared as he pumped his cum into the Indian goddess dragon, she whined, begging turned into a scream as she came with him. He allowed her to touch him, his chaos for a moment. Letting her get that high off of that as well as the orgasm that they were riding. She whined and moaned as she slowly pulled back into her body, his knot still pulsing inside of her until he gave a gentle tug pulling it out of her. His cum dripping from her hole, she curled herself up on the couch, her scales red in places where he scratched her but with a wave, he took the pain out of them. Leaving only the mark of them upon her scales. He watched as her eyes fluttered closed, her body dropping into a contented sleep. His amber eyes fluttering to his mate who sat next to Roman, her scales glowing with starlight, he smiled leaning back against the leather sofa. The warmth of their love making lighting the room with a buttery glow. His eyes soon slipped closed as well.

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