A Potion For Two

Story by Potion on SoFurry

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(18+) A young lad gets kidnapped on his way to a friends house only to wake up bound to a bench and forced to drink some mysterious liquid with a stranger. What could possibly go wrong? ¯(^^)/¯

If you have any ideas for stories that you would like to see come to life feel free to shoot me a request! I've got some stuff in the works right now, but I wouldn't mind taking on more projects. Not to mention that its also completely free, as long as you don't mind my horrible upload schedule :/...

Anyways enjoy, and feel free to leave comments!

I shivered as I walked down the main street of my hometown. November hit like a wall this year and the temperature seemed to drop like a brick with it. As the cold wind bit my face, all I could do was curse at myself for forgetting my heavy jacket and simply continue forward into the night. 'Why couldn't Riley just come to my place this Friday? Then I wouldn't have to deal with any of this crap.' I thought to myself as I continued to walk down the street. The way I took towards my friends was illuminated slightly by street lamps, but even so I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I worked my way forwards. A shiver ran up my spine and this time it wasn't from the cold. I had a feeling, like I was being watched, and I didn't like it one bit. Looking behind me I tried to confirm my gut feeling, or hopefully debunk it. I thought I saw a quick shadow disappear from my line of sight, but it was too fast of movement to be sure. I fixated on the location of the shadow, now a little scared, but after a while nothing happened. Spinning back around I took off faster than before, trying to escape this uneasy feeling as quickly as possible. Never had I felt unsafe in my hometown before, and in attempt to calm my nerves I focused on that fact. It didn't really help. Looking off to my right I saw the alley way short cut I usually took to get to Riley's place. Unlike in the past though, I hesitated before entering, debating on sticking to the lit street that seemed safer, but a heck of a lot longer. Quickly I scanned my surroundings again trying to find out for certain if someone was following me. After I made sure there was nothing there again I made a split second decision to charge forward into the alleyway. Immediately I regretted the decision, wanting to return to the safety of the lit street. It was too late at this point though, my only choice was to continue through the alley and hope that I could make it to the other side unscathed. My hair stuck up on end, as I started to panic from my fear, so I took off running. I was now laser focused on the end of the alleyway, using my legs to sprint as fast as I could to get there. Just before I made it to the other end safely all my fears were confirmed. In one swift motion a large, strong arm extended from the shadows of the alley stopping me dead in my tracks, and effectively knocking the wind out of me. My momentum swept my legs out from under me and I crumpled onto my back in a daze. With the little strength I had left I tried to lift my head so I could get at least an idea of what my attacker looked like. But all I saw was a large shadow move to my right side. Through shallow breaths I wheezed "Stop, please, get...awa..." I never did get to finish that sentence though because during that little plea something solid struck the back of my head hard. My vision went black and I passed out on the cold concrete of the alleyway.


I slowly came to sometime later. My head still spinning, taking me a minute to actually remember all that had happened. Finally coming to my senses my eyes grew wide and I tried to sit up, but was stopped abruptly by my own arms which were tied together behind me. I tried to move and twist my arms free from whatever was keeping them together, but it was no use. Abandoning hope of freeing my arms I laid my head back down and assessed my situation. Currently, I was laying down on some soft surface. Tilting my head to the left I confirmed that it was a leather bench since I could lay down with my whole body on it, and still have my arms tied behind me. Looking down at my legs I was relieved to see that I still had all my clothes on my body, well, minus my shoes. They were removed in order to tie a knot to my ankles with some rope which led straight up the ceiling, bringing my legs up with it. I tried to move my legs, and found that I could only swing them from side to side. "You're not going to get out of there, I made sure of that." A raspy voice said to my right. I instantly stopped moving at the sound of the voice, and slowly turned my head to the side that it originated from. I expected to see the worst, but was honestly surprised to not see an absolutely crazy looking person. Instead it was an average looking middle aged man standing decently close to me. The guy looked to be skinnier than your average male, wearing glasses and sporting unkempt black and gray hair at the top of his head. Other than that, the only thing to note was the white lab coat that he was wearing, and that he had his arms behind his back. I tried shouting, "What the hell do you want with me!" at him, but all that came out was incoherent noises. That's when I realized that my mouth was being held open this whole time by some sort of ring which was fastened to my head with a strap, holding it in place. "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, I just need a little help Nathan." I looked at him, dumbfounded, my mind working hard to figure out what the hell he had in mind. "My name's Ryan and I'm a just a scientist. A scientist who has devoted his life to creating the perfect male." He finally uttered with a sly grin. I raised an eyebrow, and somehow, even in my predicament, I found that statement to be extremely funny. "The perfect male." I thought to myself. That was definitely not what I was expecting to come out of his mouth. This guy was absolutely insane, and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling nervously. That didn't seem to bode well with Ryan, because as soon as I started laughing his grin quickly turned into an angry scowl. "Go ahead laugh, laugh all you want Nathan, laugh like the rest of them." That instantly shut me up, and I quickly recomposed myself as he continued to shout my way. "I was called crazy, I was shunned by everyone, nobody believed me." I was convinced at this point that this man was mentally unstable, and a cold shiver ran down my spine. "Nobody was willing to take the last leap of faith with me, but you Nathan, you are going to help me achieve that goal. Yes, you're going to leap forward with me, by drinking this." He said, practically hissing the last couple words out. I watched as Ryan moved his left arm from behind his back exposing a flask filled with a glowing pink liquid. The solution bubbled eerily and I was certain that it was toxic, meaning that if I drank that crap I would definitely die. I began to panic again trying my best to break free from my bindings. "What the hell is this whack job talking about, theres no way I'm drinking that!" I thought to myself. "Now now Nathan, I know you're excited, but you really need to get ahold of yourself." Ryan said looking down at me with that wicked looking grin again. I met his gaze with a glare, wishing that I didn't have this ring gag in my mouth so I could give him a piece of my mind. Ryan continued, "After all it is my crowning achievement that we are standing in awe of today, so I think its only fair that I get to have the honors of ascending first." Ryan finished, moving his right arm from behind his back to show a flask filled with glowing blue liquid, much like the pink one in his left hand. He set the pink potion down next to my bench and began speaking again, his voice growing louder with each passing second. "Watch closely Nathan, because I'm about to become the perfect man. An irresistible figure of sex, and a dominating figure of strength and masculinity." I tried to turn my head to look away from Ryan, but he grabbed hold of my jaw with one hand and forced my gaze to meet his. "And you're going to join me." He finished before tilting his head back, and in a swift motion drank the blue potion. I watched with wide eyes. As soon as Ryan finished he potion he dropped the flask and gripped his chest. I thought for sure he was having a heart attack as he doubled over and dropped to one knee. However, the thought that he was dying was quickly dismissed, and as I stared I noticed that it looked like his body was pulsing, growing under his lab coat. With each passing second the white fabric of the lab coat stretched further and further until it was at it's limits, doing its best to contain the body within. Ryan groaned and the white coat gave way with a loud rip. As the coat fell to Ryan's sides in pieces I got a good look at his back. It looked abnormal as muscles appeared to balloon all over his back unproportionally, his veins pulsing and popping out of his back with them. My entire mind was telling me to look away from the incomprehensible sight, but for some reason my body wouldn't move. My eyes were glued, watching as his entire backside packed on pounds and pounds of muscle. Once Ryan's growth stopped something even more bizarre happened. Starting in the middle of his back, black hair started to grow and spread outwards. Except, this hair was like a thick coat of fur because wherever it went it completely hid Ryan's pale skin underneath it. I couldn't believe my eyes, what was happening to this guy? He was turning into some kind of monster, how is this even possible? Ryan put a fist to the ground for more support, and I watched as muscle packed onto Ryan's arm, his veins pulsing and popping out under the pressure. His shoulders broadened as his biceps ballooned out comically mismatching his forearms for a second before they quickly caught up. And just like Ryan's back, after the muscles on his arms stopped growing, fur spread over them. Except this time it was a honey brown color rather than the starch black on his back. With a moan my focus was brought to Ryan's head. Fur had already grown around his now thick neck, spreading upwards. His ears were the next thing to change as they were pulled to the top of his head morphing to look more like dog ears than humans. Ryan tilted his head and my dog hypothesis was confirmed as the man now had a black furred canine muzzle complete with a wet nose and a panting tongue, topped off with a light brown furred face. I was in awe for a moment until movement towards the back of Ryan's body caught my attention. As I looked towards his backside my gaze was met with a fluffy brown and black wagging tail. Underneath that was a large pair of glutes and thighs which were now spread apart because of his large musculature, and already covered in fur. Ryan's lower legs not only packed on muscle, but also morphed into a more canine appearance complete with paw pads on the undersides of his feet. Looking back up I noticed that his hands also had the same black paw pads on his palms. I tried to wrap my head around what just happened. Right next to me kneeling on the ground was a huge, real life monster. My mind swirled, "This insane man just turned himself into that thing, and I was next. What the absolute fuck was happening here? There's no way I'm letting him turn me into that shit." I thought to myself trying desperately again to undo my bindings. My struggle seemed to waken Ryan from his daze though, and I stopped struggling as he slowly rose in front of me. With wide eyes I finally got a good grasp on what I was actually dealing with. The creature stood at least two heads higher than what Ryan was at before, and to say it had put on a little muscle would be an understatement. I mean for gods sake the guys biceps were as big as my head now! His chest which was obstructed from my view earlier was covered in blonde almost white fur which did little to hide the defined muscles underneath it. Ryan's pecs jutted out from his chest proudly, with his abs underneath following suit. Below that was, well to put it bluntly, Ryan's absolutely massive cock an balls. I had no idea what the guy's junk looked like before, but now I could clearly tell that a pair of furry pool balls rested underneath a large sheath. Even fully flaccid the tip of Ryan's red canine dick still protruded out almost as if it was too large for even his swollen sheath to house it all. I swallowed hard around the ring, there was no mistaking it, from top to bottom Ryan had turned into some kind of two legged canine. My guess, from the color and pattern of his fur, was that he had become akin to a muscular German Shepherd. Ryan took a little time to look over his new body. Rubbing all over his muscled arms and chest, finishing his inspection with a quick squeeze to his swollen sheath. "Solution A was a success." He said to himself in a deeper more intimidating voice while he looked at the hand that wasn't fondling himself, or rather paw. "What the hell do you mean success, you're a fucking monster now." I thought to myself. After Ryan finished admiring his new body he turned his attention to me. My blood turned to ice and I started to shake with fear. "Are you ready for your turn now boy?" Ryan said with a toothy grin as he squatted down to grab the pink potion again which looked a lot smaller in his large canine paws. I shook my head no adamantly, but Ryan simply ignored me. "Do you know why I have two types of potion here Nathan?" Ryan said stepping closer to me, spewing exposition. He didn't even wait for a response, not like I could give one anyway."It's because my creation gives the subject an extreme longing for a mate. But as a perfect male your taste in mates becomes so picky that you will only accept another perfect specimen. Do you see the problem here Nathan?" He leaned down next to me and I tried to look away from his canine face, but again he forced my head back with his paw, now as powerful as a vice grip. I was nearly in tears wanting nothing more than to be anywhere but here. "The two potions work hand in hand when it comes to attracting the two perfect males together." Ryan continued swirling the pink solution around in front of my face. "The blue drinker becomes more dominate, while the pink consumer becomes more submissive in nature, simply in order to avoid conflict." He smiled wickedly as he continued with the next part of his explanation. "This is where it gets real interesting though. Not only do the natures match up, but the drinkers musk acts like a potent pheromone to the other." Ryan laughed like a mad man. "In fact its so strong that it'll drive you mad if you go to long without my scent. To you Nathan, I'll smell like an irresistible dominate master, and to me you'll smell like a submissive pet in need. In other words." Ryan leaned in real close and whispered in my ear. "I'm going to fuck you like you're a bitch in heat, and in the end you're gonna be begging for more." With that statement he licked across my face with his broad canine tongue before pulling his muzzle away. I tried yelling and shaking my head in protest, but it was no use. Ryan held fast and brought the flask to my open mouth forcing me drink the contents. I felt the liquid enter my mouth and head straight for my throat. Through tear filled eyes I reluctantly drank the pink potion which ran down my throat with a slimy sensation. I finished the entire flask, coughing through the gag after, desperate for air. "There's no need for this now is there." Ryan said referring to the gag. With one swift motion he ripped the gag's straps with his claws and removed it from my mouth before stepping away from me. With my mouth now free I tried to look up at Ryan to curse him out, but by the time my gaze met his blue canine eyes a warm, almost burning sensation radiated from my stomach making me groan out instead. Resting my head back on the table I could do nothing but focus on the burning sensation in my stomach no doubt from the solution I just drank. The feeling in my gut grew and grew until it was nearly unbearable, then all at once the heat spread through my entire body making me gasp. I hate to admit it, but it did feel nice, like my whole body was covered in a large blanket. I was expecting the worst after having watched Ryan transform, but I was surprised to find out that my shift was more or less painless. It felt like my body was pulsing in time with my heart beat, and with each cycle my body would expand outwards with muscle. Slowly but surely I packed on pounds upon pounds of muscle just like Ryan before me. It wasn't long until my shirt was stretched tight over my expanding chest. Finding the strength to lift my head up I watched the fibers of my shirt rip one by one until one final growth spurt ripped it to pieces. It did feel nice to no longer be constrained by my shirt, and now that it was gone my transformation seemed to go into overdrive. Much like Ryan the muscles on my chest ballooned outwards almost as if the heat underneath my skin was stretching them with ease. It was like I blinked and my chest now rivaled expert body builders with thick pecs and six pack. With one last pulse my chest stopped growing and the heat left my muscles as it focused in the middle of my sternum. I watched anxiously as white fur grew from the middle of my chest. As the fur grew across my skin it was accompanied with a tickling sensation. The heat also moved along with it, and when it was finished growing in a cool sensation washed over that area of my body which felt nice after being so hot. The fur prickled up to my shoulders and I could feel my arms pulsing with muscle. I panicked for a second realizing that if I grew too much while my arms were in their constraints I could end up loosing them. Thankfully I could feel the constrains around my arms expand along with me feeling tighter than before, but nothing that would cause concern. The fur, now a light gray color, followed across my shoulders and down my arms adding a layer of fur to the massive muscles that just finished setting in. The transformation continued upwards and I groaned as I felt my face grow hotter and hotter. I laid my head back down on the bench and closed my eyes simply feeling the heat as it stretched out from my face bringing my nose with it. For a second I lost all hearing as my ears migrated to the top of my head. Once they locked into place my hearing came back, and after a couple of seconds my sense of smell came back as my nose finished pushing out from my face. I opened my eyes and clearly saw my white muzzle with a wet nose fixated on top. The heat never seemed to leave my mouth though. In fact it continued to build up until I let my tongue lazily flop out of the side of my mouth as I panted. The cool relief that followed was so nice that I didn't care how stupid I looked doing it. Heat at the lower end of my body caused me to look back up at my legs which had already ripped out of my pants. On my back I could feel something constantly moving at the base of my spine and I knew from prior experience that it was my tail. Tilting my head to the side I watched a curled white and gray tail lazily sway back and forth under the bench. Besides that, my legs had morphed to become more canine, just like Ryan's, and had gained pounds upon pounds of muscle too. I watched gray fur turn white as it spread to the inside of my thighs. My heart sunk for a second as I remembered how Ryan's manhood had changed to become more dog like and I feared that mine had done the same. I flicked my eyes down to my junk and was relieved to find that it still remained human, but it didn't stay that way for long. As I watched white fur spread closer to my length a buildup of skin started to grow around it. The skin sheath grew upwards, and my cock receded down into my body until it was completely enveloped as white fur grew all over my new plump sheath. I was scared that I lost my pride as a man, but ever so slightly the tip of my dick resurfaced now transformed into a red, pointed doghood. The fur spread over my balls next pulling them downwards towards my ass as they swelled until they were so large that they almost couldn't rest comfortably between my legs. The last thing the fur spread over was my newly muscled backside. As it spread over my ass it worked its way closer to my hole until it felt like it went inside my body. Not the fur, but the heat from the transformation. It found refuge inside my ass, but instead of being pleasant like it was around my body it was more of like a dull itch that was a just a little annoying. With that my transformation ended. I let out a large puff of air, at least it was over now. I laid on the bench for a little while, catching my breath and trying to reassemble my thoughts. I was still trapped, well maybe with these new muscles I could break free from my bindings. I tried to pull my arms out behind me, but it was no use, there were trapped. I was still at the mercy of Ryan. My eyes grew wide as I had completely forgot about the other person in the room with me. Quickly I whipped my head back around to find Ryan still standing in the same spot. "Solution B was a success." Ryan said as he licked his lips with his canine tongue. "A huge success." Ryan started to walk closer to me. My heart sank in my chest remembering everything Ryan said before he made me drink the potion. "No, get away from me you monster!" I shouted at him with a deeper, foreign voice. I struggled with my bindings again trying desperately to break free. In my frantic struggle I caught another glimpse at Ryan's length. His canine member started to push out from his sheath. The freak was getting turned on as he watched me fight with my bindings. "Now that's cruel Nathan, I mean have you had a good look at yourself recently." Ryan said with a toothy grin. Ryan held up a small hand held mirror that he found so that I could easily see my reflection. I was met with foreign green eyes as I stared at my new face which looked exactly like a husky. I shook my head as I took my gaze away not wanting to believe my eyes. "Fuck you!" I growled at him angrily. Somewhere back in my mind though I knew he was right. I didn't want to admit it, but I was just as much of a canine now as Ryan was. Ryan tossed the mirror to the side as he spoke, "You've got it backwards Nathan, I'm the one that's gonna be fucking you." I just glared at him defiantly. I knew full well that there was no way I was getting out of this. The only thing I could do in defiance was not play along with his little game. I laid my head back on the bench, closing my eyes as I retorted. "Go ahead and rape me then. Just get it over with you sick bastard." I heard Ryan scoff next to me. "That's not how this works Nathan. I'm not going to rape you, because you're going to want me to fuck you." I didn't move, or say anything. I tried my best to use my body language to tell him to go fuck himself rather than say it. Ryan scoffed again. "Fine, I guess you need a little convincing then." The next thing I knew Ryan had a paw behind my head and used it to forcefully shove my muzzle into his sweaty armpit. My eyes shot open, and I tried to shake my head side to side in order to free my muzzle for a breath of fresh air, but it was useless. Ryan had full control of the situation. Reluctantly I took a short breath in through my nose. The shepherd's pit had a heavy, earthy smell to it. It stung my sensitive nose making, me gag as my eyes watered. Reluctantly I took whiff after whiff of Ryan's scent as the shepherd kept me pinned under his armpit. My nose was constantly assaulted with the smell of the other males musk. The scent that Ryan was giving off was appalling, but for some strange reason it was so bad that I wanted to go back for another smell. There was just something about it that caught my attention and peeked my interest. I stopped moving in order to get a proper smell of the man. Taking a larger breath in I felt the scent run through me as strong as ever, but this time it tickled my nose pleasantly as it filled my lungs. I had to admit that I did like that feeling. Another whiff and the sweaty scent actually started to smell nice to me, making my whole body tingle. I smiled and this time took initiative as I pressed my muzzle deeper into Ryan's armpit trying to get more of his scent. But just as soon as I was starting to like the sweaty shepherd's scent, Ryan lifted his body from my face. I followed his pit up with my muzzle trying to savor his scent as long as possible. Ryan was smiling wickedly down at me with his icy blue eyes. "What happened to that resolve Nathan, you look like your drunk in lust right now." That remark brought me to my senses, and I shook my head in confusion. "Shut the hell up, you're delusional." I said weakly as I tried to shake Ryan's scent out of my head. I couldn't quite get rid of the thought though and it bothered me. I couldn't lie I missed the smell. Remembering back to what Ryan had said about the other's musk I cursed quietly to myself as I blushed under my fur. Ryan leaned down next to me and stuck his wet nose into my armpit, taking a deep whiff of my scent. I tensed at the feeling and jerked my body away from him as best as I could. Ryan moaned, "You smell amazing I can barely contain myself. I know you feel the same way Nathan." "You're wrong." I lied. "Oh?" The shepherd remarked tilting his head to the side. "Then what's this doing down here?" Ryan said gesturing towards my length. Lifting my head up I was greeted with the sight of my animalistic cock at full mast. It was crimson just like Ryan's and it was much longer and thicker than my manhood ever was as a human. With every breath I took it throbbed almost as if to mock me. "Pups already rock hard from the smell of me alone." Ryan said. "Or is it because I was playing rough and your just a bitch who loves to be dominated?" I winced as Ryan said that, blushing hard underneath my fur. He was right, but I wasn't about to admit that. "It's not what you think." I finally stated, but Ryan was having none of it. With a smirk he reached down and wrapped his paw around my dick. His tight grip felt heavenly against my sensitive flesh. I moaned softly at the act and it took all of my willpower not to hump up unto Ryan's hand. "You know you're a terrible liar Nathan." Ryan said as he slowly stroked my shaft. "It's exactly what I think, you're a slut and you can't hide that fact from me." I let out a soft whine and Ryan let go of my cock just as quickly as he grabbed on. I was panting heavily at this point, my whole body betraying me. I yelped as Ryan slapped my ass just adding more insult to injury. I scowled at him. My body may be turned on by what was happening, but I was still determined to fight to the end. "There it is Nathan, that look. When I finally break that resolve it'll be like straight ecstasy." Ryan said with a groan obviously getting more and more turned on. I just couldn't win could I? Not wasting an more time Ryan lifted a leg over my body, straddling my chest. In that position his thick length and oversized balls rested directly in front of my face. The shepherd's weight on my chest forced the air out of my lungs. I inhaled quickly afterwards and was assaulted by Ryan's heavy scent again. I relaxed as my mind fogged over with lust, drawn out by Ryan's musk. My eyes fixated on the tip of Ryan's canine length as it twitched directly in front of my muzzle, tapping my nose lightly as it came down. I started to pant heavily again, the shepherd's scent no longer satisfied my lustful itch. I needed more, I needed to taste Ryan, not just smell him. I shook my head slightly trying to fight the urge and clear my mind. 'No this isn't you Nathan, this isn't what you want.' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes tried to focus on something else. Flexing my arms I tried to pull them from my restraints, but again found that they didn't budge. I let out a soft whimper from my muzzle as Ryan chuckled on top of me. "Go ahead puppy, you can give my bone a taste." He said looking down. I opened my eyes with full intention to growl at the man, but instead bit my lip as my attention was drawn back to Ryan's thick cock. I hated the thought of it, but Ryan's offer was enticing. My mind started getting hazy again, 'One little lick couldn't hurt, right?' I thought to myself. After convincing my mind of that fact, my body started to move into action. I stopped panting long enough to tilt my head to the side in order to run my tongue down Ryan's canine member. Heat radiated from it as my taste buds were assaulted with a musky taste. As my mind slipped further away I found that the taste was just what I needed. Working up more and more courage I started to lick over the Shepherd's length greedily. My need grew larger and larger until I just had to have Ryan's dick in my mouth. I opened my maw to dive down on the dog, but stopped just before his length. Some small portion of my mind was telling me that this was a bad idea, and no matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise it remained. None of it mattered in the end though, because Ryan eventually got tired of waiting for me to pleasure him. Placing a paw at the back of my head he forced me down onto his length with a groan. My jaw ached for a split second as the dog's member felt way thicker in my maw. But as Ryan forced me down I got used to the thickness and instead felt wonderfully full as it pulsed in my mouth. Ryan moaned, and I blushed under my fur as he started to hump into my face. It was slow and manageable at first, but gradually he picked up speed. Eventually he was roughly forcing as much of his cock as he could fit into my maw while his loaded balls slapped against my chin. I did my best not to gag as his length made its way to the back of my throat, but it was nearly impossible with how hard he was breeding my jaw. As he worked my muzzle a knot started to form at the base of his cock. My eyes fixated on it as it ballooned right before my eyes to a point where it would break my jaw if he tried to force it in. I was panicking, Ryan would be just the kind of guy to do that too! Thankfully I was wrong, but that didn't stop him from grinding it as close as possible to popping in. Ryan moaned and my focus shifted back to the part of his dick that was inside my mouth as I felt a thick rope of pre fall on my tongue. The taste of Ryan's seed was heavy and hot. I swallowed around the shepherd's shaft and moaned softly as the feeling was amazing, almost like pure honey was flowing down my throat. It was like a switch went off in my brain making me forget about everything that was happening and simply lust for more of Ryan's seed. However, the sensation was short lived as a shiver ran down the rest of my body. It forced me to refocus on the heat in around my prostate as Ryan kept grinding away. I tried to arch my back in attempt to ease the sensation, but it was no use. It wasn't something that I could satisfy on the outside of my body, only something on the inside would do the trick. I swallowed down more of Ryan's pre and the itch around my prostate grew, becoming nearly unbearable at this point. I whimpered around Ryan's cock. He smirked and with one last thrust, stopped humping into my jaw. "What is it puppy?" He said. I simply whimpered again and arched my back upwards. "Oh I see." The shepherd said with a wicked grin. In a quick motion he removed his cock from my jaw and got off my chest. I let out an audible groan now that my mouth was free and watched Ryan moved behind me. "Horny little pup wants my cock in his ass." I bit my lip. He was right again, but again I still didn't want to admit it. Ryan growled, "Come on slut, I want to hear you say it!" I whined and arched my back, grinding my ass against the bench in hopes to relieve the itch. I just couldn't say it, the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. Ryan angrily stuck a couple fingers in his mouth, covering them with his saliva before running them across my sensitive hole. I shivered at his touch and let out a soft moan. With a hard push he forced the two digits into my backside. I nearly cried out in pleasure as Ryan quickly found his way to my prostate. Taunting me, he wiggled his fingers back and forth, roughly massaging my sensitive area. With a moan I looked down towards the shepherd and caught a glimpse of my own canine length again. It was throbbing angrily with a thick knot at the base, and leaking like a faucet, no doubt because of the treatment my backside was receiving. I started humping into the air lightly trying to get as much pleasure out of the situation as possible. However, the moment I started to do that Ryan removed his fingers from my ass leaving me as empty and needy as I was before. I whimpered aloud trying to free myself from my bindings so that I could finish the job that the other guy started. The feeling of Ryan's hot length grinding between my ass cheeks made me stop dead in my tracks. I started panting, pushing my body as far down towards the shepherd as it would go. He just backed up making sure that he was just out of reach. I was going mad at this point, I needed him inside me, and I needed it now. "I want to hear you beg for it." Ryan growled out dominantly. I whimpered loudly, panting out hot breaths. "Please," I finally muttered softly. Ryan pressed his thick member against my hole, teasing me. "What was that slut?" Ryan asked. I blushed and didn't say anything in response, just tried to push myself down on Ryan's shaft again. However, same as last time, Ryan moved back with my body leaving his tip just at the entrance of my hole. "Just say it you bitch!" Ryan shouted at me with a growl reaching a paw up to wrap around my throat. He wasn't choking me, just put enough pressure to let me know he meant business. Unable to take it any longer I finally pushed passed the barrier in my mind and found the strength to speak. "Please... Please, just fuck me already!" I said passionately. As soon as those words left my mouth Ryan slammed home, forcing his entire length up to his knot into my ass. Fireworks lit of in my mind and this time I actually did cry out in pleasure. Ryan leaned down over me as I got over my initial plateau. "Since you made me wait so long Nathan, I'm gonna plow you till your ass is raw." I couldn't help but smirk at that. He obviously wanted this as much as I did. Ryan pulled out his length slowly before slamming it back home again. I moaned and my body twitched with pleasure. "Fuck you're tight!" He moaned with another deep thrust. I'm sure he wasn't wrong I'd never been taken by a guy down there before so I'd imagine I wouldn't be very prepared. However despite my inexperience there was no pain as the shep stretched out my backside with his thick cock. It must've been due to something in the potion, but I didn't even try to wrap my head around it. All I knew was that the feeling of pleasure was indescribable so I wasn't going to question it. The sound of Ryan's grunts took me out of my thoughts. He'd moved his hands down to my waist for better leverage, and was now ravaging my ass like he did to my jaw before. I moaned aloud as the pressure in my ass grew. Ryan's length throbbed in my ass as he continued to trust causing his length to rub against my prostate just right. I moaned loud enough to nearly be a howl. My own length now soaked with pre, throbbed spurting a thick rope of it up on my chest. As we continued our rut I became more and more greedy for Ryan's length. I pushed down against the shepherd's thrusts as much as I could still being constrained. As I did that I was painfully reminded of Ryan's fat knot preventing him from going any deeper. I whimpered wanting nothing more than for Ryan to shove his knot in my ass. I didn't even care how big it was, or how it could possibly fit in. At this point, I needed it. Ryan must've sensed my need too, because he slowly started to grind his knot into my hole threatening to push it in. My whole body was on fire at this point and I was loving every second of it. "You want me to knot you slut?" Ryan said dominantly between heavy breaths as he continued to fuck me. I could only nod my head as I drooled, unable to form words in my lust. Ryan pushed against my ass again. I tried to relax my muscles in order to let him in, but it wasn't successful. He stretched me to the peak only to pull back again. I moaned getting closer and closer to climax. Ryan grunted, "I hope you're ready for a huge load bitch." I didn't respond, just whimpered again as he ground his knot into my hole. Finally with one heavy thrust Ryan was able to shove his knot fully into my ass. I had never felt so complete in my whole life. I was riding high on cloud nine as Ryan continued to jackhammer away with fast, short thrusts, his balls slapping heavily against my ass. His cock twitched against my prostate again and I nearly lost it. Based off that I knew I wouldn't last long at all, and by the looks of it neither would Ryan. Then, with one last shove Ryan bottomed out. He grunted out a low "fuck, I'm cumming" before his cock throbbed hard and shot out the first thick stream of seed. I howled as I came with him, my cock twitching and shooting spunk all over my chest. My head was a mess of feelings as Ryan continued to shoot his thick load into my ass, filling me up nicely. I wanted it to last forever, but I also knew that wasn't going to happen. Eventually Ryan let out the last of his spunk with one heavy throb, and mine slowed to dribble as it poured out of my cock. Panting heavily we both stayed locked together, just soaking up all of the afterglow. Just as soon as I came down from my climax though, a familiar itch started up again in my backside. Instinctively I clenched around Ryan and ground my ass against his inflated cock. It felt great, and just like that I was horny again wanting to go another round. Ryan groaned aloud at my actions. "Alright pup off you get." He said pulling his cock out of my ass with a slick pop and a decent amount of resistance. Ryan must've been spent, but I needed to go again. I stated to whine with need. Without Ryan's length in my ass there was nothing to scratch that itch. Ryan just ignored my pleas though as he turned to walk away. I was desperate a this point. I struggled with my bindings, using all of my strength to free myself and satisfy my need. Then, with one hard yank I finally managed to rip my arms from their bindings. I didn't even have time to be impressed that I managed to break free with my persistance. Now that my arms were free I abruptly sat up and used my new claws to slash the rope around my ankles down. Jumping off the bench I tackled Ryan to the ground who was just turning back around to see what all the commotion was about. He hit the ground hard, laying on his back with the wind knocked out of him much like I was in the alley not too long ago. I sat on top of him as he looked at me with a hint of fear and confusion in his eyes. I grinned wickedly. "There it is Ryan, that look. Keep that up, because it's my turn to have a little fun." I said with a grin as I lined his still hard cock up with my ass and went to work satisfying my need.

Just Blame It On The Alcohol

Sam groaned as he laid down in his comfy lounge chair. Potato chips left on the chair crunched under his weight as the T.V. flickered in the distance, but he didn't really care. He didn't have to do anything today, so why not be a slob. Another rerun...

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Graduation Celebration!

I looked down at my watch and groaned. Only fifteen minutes had gone by, but it felt like forever sitting in this overheated auditorium. Looking from left to right I scanned the isles in attempt to find something to peek my interest. All I saw were...

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Home Alone: Results May Vary

It was an average Friday night for young fox as he quietly watched his parents pack for their weekly job conference. This time however his parents were in a frenzy just throwing clothes in their suitcases because of how late they were. The fox was...

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