Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 5

Story by Shin Kerron on SoFurry

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#5 of Star Fox: ELPH

Meet the AI, and shower time~

"...What the hell-" "Shall I repeat my introduction in Saurian for Miss Krystal's convenience?" "N-No. But... what the hell are you?"

"I shall repeat myself," The hard-light hologram ball pulsed with a gentle voice that was difficult to place as male or female. "I am a caretaker sub-AI. I have been created by using the basic data of the primary caretaker AI, combined with data taken from full body scans, brain scans, and data from the genetic samples taken from both of you."

Fox had moved to cover himself with his tail upon realizing they were being watched, but Krystal had taken an aggressive stance. That was, until the AI had mentioned the 'genetic samples taken'. It might have just been his imagination, but her confidence seemed to drop and her stance shifted back closer to himself.

"Miss Krystal? Is everything alright? Your vitals are showing a sudden spike in stress," The AI inquired, "Have I said something to offend? Forgive me, I am still parsing my identity and so far I have only loaded Cornerian norms. I confess that when I attempted to research Cerinian norms-"

"I'm not letting you anywhere near me again." Krystal pulled her staff out and extended it. "You will not have your way with me this time."

"Ah, so that must be the weapon that went off. Please, calm down Miss Krystal. I've no intention of harming you in any way shape or form. My primary drive is specifically geared to ensuring the well being, both physical and mental, of yourself and Mr. McCloud." The AI spoke in the same even calm tone. "Above all else, I will never intentionally harm you physically, mentally, or otherwise."

"I'm not buying that! Not after what happened when I first arrived here!" Krystal's staff end opened and red glow began to gather. Fox quickly put his hand out to touch her shoulder. "Krystal, calm down... this isn't a fight we can afford right now. Besides, it's just a hard-light hologram. Shooting it won't actually do anything to it." Fox turned with his own glare at the ball of light. He was starting to piece together just how bad things had been for her upon arriving on this station.

"I do not understand. I was told you volunteered for your position aboard the ELPH... One moment. Allow me to make a data request from the caretaker Core AI." The ball of light grew dimmer for a moment. Fox raised an eyebrow at this, and while Krystal did not lower her staff, she seemed to relax slightly at his touch. His presence alone was providing a sense of security, even naked and captive on a massive space station.

"Oh." The light orb suddenly returned to it's previous luminescence. "Oh dear." Its voice was still the same even, calm tone, but the delay between its words suggested the machine intellect was not pleased by what it found. "So that is what you are referring to. Your reaction is entirely understandable now. I must beg forgiveness for my ignorance of the circumstances that lead to your approval as a subject aboard the ELPH."

"...I still don't trust you," Krystal spoke through clenched teeth. "That is unfortunate, yet understandable. I hope with time I may be able to earn some degree of trust from you." The orb hovered in place for a moment. "Perhaps a show of good faith. Your weapon." Krystal's grip on her staff tightened and she widened her stance. The AI was quick to continue, "Under normal procedures I should ask that you surrender it." Krystal's stance grew more aggressive. "However, it is clearly of importance to you as more than just a weapon. I only ask that you promise not to use it to harm any of the endangered lifeforms aboard the ELPH. If this is agreeable, I shall not report your possession of it."

"What's to stop you from using other subjects to force us to do what you want? For all I know you could decide one of us isn't working out and replace us with someone who will just force themselves on us?!" Krystal was not backing down, and frankly Fox didn't blame her.

"That is highly unlikely. You are the last known Cerinian, you are irreplaceable. And finding a genetically compatible male subject has proven extremely difficult. In fact it was nothing short of "a stroke of luck", as the saying goes, that Mr McCloud proved to be genetically viable as a subject."

"Wait hold on." Fox spoke up. "That implies you've tried with others."

"Correct. From your medical files, you are the 12th male that was tested, and the first to fall into the window of acceptable genetic variance the program was looking for. Although I must apologize on behalf of the ELPH station as a whole. The process of your... Volunteering, was manipulative."

"You can say that again." Krystal growled. Fox however was more interested in another factor. "What happened to the 11 others who were tested?"

The AI hologram grew dim again. Fox had to assume this was meant to indicate it was searching for information. "...I am apparently not able to access that information. Concerning."

Concerning was putting it mildly. Fox's mind raced through the implications. General Pepper would have sent men down for initial investigation before assigning the mission status. Krystal seemed to have been stuck here for an unknown length of time as well. How many people had come and gone in that time? He doubted an anything Andross built would just let people leave. But if that was the case where were their ships? Why was the cargo ship left if the others were removed? Then it clicked.

As bait. The Core AI was looking for a compatible male. It needed to lure people in for that.

And Fox had taken that bait. And was now trapped, unarmed, naked, and pumped full of gods only knew what kind of genetic altering crap.

"Hmm. Perhaps I deployed too early to properly answer your questions. Forgive me, I should have allowed my identity to parse further, but with the weapon fire being detected near your theorized location I felt it prudent to locate and I introduce myself." So the AI only had an idea of where they were. Good, that implied they weren't on camera everywhere. Fox noticed that the AI never went past a certain point. They must be near the edge of it's projection limit for the hard light hologram. Good for them if true. Best not to assume though. It could be merely hanging back to appear less threatening.

"I shall return to form a more concrete identity towards assisting you both. However as a show of good will, I shall inform you that further in this cave there is an employee only rest area. Normally it is off limits to endangered subjects, but as your experience aboard the ELPH has been," the ball grew dim again for a moment, attempting to find appropriate way to describe their situation without aggravating or stressing the pair further. "Terrible if I am being honest," it finally settled on. "I feel it prudent you at least be given access to a space to bathe and be given privacy. One moment and I shall open the door for you."

Soon enough there was a grinding noise; part of what they had seen as pure stone further in slide away, and a light flickered to life. There were dull faded brown and off-white tiles, and a fine layer of dust from disuse in the revealed hallway.

"I recommend refraining from eating any employee rations you may find in this rest area. While they will not be harmful to you, several solar cycles have passed since the vending machines were last restocked. They are likely very foul tasting. Is there anything else I can do for you the moment?"

Fox thought for a moment. As much as he didn't want to rely on anything related to the AI that had imprisoned them here, any little advantage they could gain would be useful. "A map would be nice. I'd rather not keep sleeping in caves wondering if something big and angry is gonna come trample on us."

"I shall download I to a display inside the rest area. Be warned it is several cycles old, and requires updating. I shall add that to my to do list before I return." The ball of light faded out, but rather than going into the revealed hallway immediately, Fox lingered. He made a show of gathering his clothing while his eyes darted around. With the added light from the hall, he was finally able to spot it, a small glass lens, set in further up near the cave entrance. Of course if this was an employee rest area they'd have some sort of camera near the entrance. He'd have to check inside for anything else for what he had planned.

Fox sighed as he finally stepped inside the open shower stall. He had been somewhat paranoid in searching the bathroom top to bottom for any cameras he could spot with the naked eye. He found very quickly that he missed having his nav unit and scouter for this sort of situation. He finally had to give up and take it on faith that the bathroom was in fact as private as it was supposed to be.

Despite the desire to cleanse all the sweat and dirt from last night off of himself, Fox had elected to first eat something, realizing he had gone a minimum of a day without food. Krystal made a face at the smell of the stale venomian MREs he had found. They tasted about as foul as the last time they let Slippy experiment in the kitchen, or rather about what he had come to expect from MREs. Still it quieted his stomach, and he trusted it more than he did whatever was... growing, inside the vending machine. Hunger dealt with, he took some time to memorize the map on display.

Krystal meanwhile had been quiet, lingering near him. While he had slipped the pants portion of his flight suit on, she was still fully undressed and clutching her possessions to herself. He could tell something was bothering her as she would steal glances at him, but look away to instead fiddle with her staff or folded clothing instead.

He sighed as he relaxed under the warm water pouring over him. The one good thing about this entire situation, and he couldn't figure out what to say to her or how to comfort her. Sometimes he wished that he was telepathic himself. Then maybe he wouldn't be so dense about how to act or what to say. ("You've found someone crazy about you who's hot as hell, and you're too hesitant to know how to even approach her when you KNOW what kind of hell she's probably going through... Dammit Fox, she was right. You do get stuck in your own thoughts.")

That's when he felt a pair of eyes on him. Turning around, much to his relief, and then immediate embarrassment, was the stunning blue vixen, still fully nude, walking across the bathroom tiles to his shower, and climbing in right alongside him. "K-Krystal. I, I'm sorry was the other-"

She cut him off by wrapping her arms around him and dropping her brow to his shoulder. "It was working perfectly fine. It's just you weren't there." She said quietly. Fox blinked, and then slowly, brought his own arms around her form, feeling her shudder slightly. "I really don't want to be alone on this place. Not right now." She muttered into his collarbone. He nodded in understanding and reached over to adjust the heat. A grateful sigh escaped her as the heat slowly raised.

"Thank you Fox." Krystal's head finally tilted up and her chin rested against his shoulder, her fingers slowly gripping the wet fur of his back. "I'm sorry, I know that you're still not comfortable bathing when I'm around it's just," Fox shook his head and lifted her chin with his hand. "I'm the one who's sorry. I could tell something was wrong. I just... This is all..."

"Overwhelming." Krystal finished for him. "I know. I'm sorry, I know I keep saying I'll stop digging around your thoughts but, it helps." Her eyes dropped with guilt. "You're always trying to plan what you should do next, what you need to accomplish next. It's reassuring, having that around."

"Erm, thank you... Look, if being able to read my thoughts helps you then... I guess permission granted? Goodness knows you've already seen... well, everything, about me physically." Fox fought back his blush reaction. Dammit she had just spent last night convincing him to be honest with his feelings, stop being so flustered all the time. She clearly likes you. Just fortify up and admit you're falling for her out loud! Krystal blinked and tilted her head up to meet his. Much to his surprise, she was the one blushing brightly. "...What? Did I say something weird?"

"No!" She said quickly, startling him somewhat. "No, not at all. Just," She blushed and glanced back down, trying to explain it, before burying her face in his shoulder again. Her next words were too muffled for him to hear over the running water. Perhaps sensing this, she switched to speaking to him in his thoughts. You don't realize how much that means to me. I've been keeping my powers to myself for so long out of respect for others. It's a form of intimacy I thought I'd never have again. And when I looked into your mind I-

Krystal's mental rambling cut off as Fox felt a surge of warmth, not from the shower beating down on the pair, but from within. As if someone had plucked his soul out of him, dipped it in chocolate fondue, and shoved it back inside of him. Warm, sweet, and- ("Whoa, cut that out. Not the time.") Sorry, that's me. Krystal blushed as she felt his stiffening length inside his sheath. _I'll admit, remembering what happened was..._the molten chocolate feeling suddenly switched to something like he had had a frozen rotten fruit roughly ground into every pore of his skin. The shower itself wasn't warm enough, and instinctively he pulled himself closer to Krystal. With this action the sensation faded back to it's previous warmth.

My parents once told me it was like this, Krystal whispered into his mind, nuzzling against his chest. Drawing strength from one another, feeling each others emotions as if they were your own... feeling... Fox flushed as more of the warmth turned to a familiar heat between his legs. S-sorry again.

"...let me wash your back for you." Fox smiled as he gently guided her with his hands on her shoulders to turn her around. "You did it for me yesterday after all." His voice was heavy and tickled her ears, making one twitch. His hands moved to take hold of the shampoo bottle and pour a glob into one palm. She had expected him to begin rubbing it in, but first he began to rub suds between his own hands, working the cold gel into warm suds for her first.

A small sigh escaped her lips and her eyes fluttered shut as she felt his hands work over her shoulders and neck. Spirits this man, the things he made her feel with such simple contact. She felt her confidence return with his presence, for all he berated himself about his own self doubt and felt like she was the one chasing his inner demons off, he was doing the same for her. With how much trust he had shown her with the simple open invitation to his mind, she wanted to give back the same to him. She wanted to dive into his deepest most private reaches of his mind and soul, and make a home for herself there. But even that felt like it wasn't enough anymore. She wanted his home to reside in hers as well... She knew there would be painful parts, for both of them, in sharing their pasts and everything. But if she could have more of this, the simple bliss in just gentle physical contact, it would all be worth it.

Oh, also that, she thought as she felt a hot wet tingle around her womanhood as Fox's hands had glided down her back to start massaging the suds into the fur of her rump, bringing both cheeks to brush against his sheath ever so often. More of that please.

Krystal gave a sly grin as Fox's hands lingered on her rear. She decided to oh so innocently bend forward, pushing her plump gluts into his hands more, passing the action off as rinsing her back off.

Fox swallowed his own saliva as he felt those soft plush curves bulge at his fingers, her tail flicked to one side allowing him a glimpse of her heated, swollen pink petals. Krystal meanwhile glanced back at him with a "oh whatever could be the matter?" Expression that was betrayed by a suggestive arch of her brow and the emotions their mental link were passing to him.

("You just love to wind me up don't you?") I have no idea what you're referring to. I'm just enjoying bathing with the sexy foxy hero that makes me see stars when he breeds me. What about that could possibly be winding you up about that?

("Are you sure this is what you want right now?") Fox was starting to audibly pant as the tip of his shaft started to brush against her backside. ("I know that you had to relive-") I want this Fox. Krystal cut his mental words off with her own. What brought me here was not my choice... You however? I initiated. I chose you. And I choose to ask my foxy woxy hero to drive the painful memory away with the pleasure he gives me.

That did it to push him him past his concern. Krystal let out a tip of surprise as she was pushed towards the wall by his hips and her leg was suddenly hoisted upwards. The tapered end of his length grinded along that slip of pink standing stark against the white of her fur. The hot water of the shower mingled with the slick arousal dripping from her snatch to lubricant Fox's manhood as it grew to full length beneath her.

("You're so hot,") Fox thought to her as his tip ran over her little button. ("Practically burning to the touch.") He grinned as his free hand moved round to grope at her breast and tease the hardened nipple there.

Stop teasing me when you know exactly how to soothe that burning, Krystal's throat whined as she wiggled her hips to try and get him to penetrate her.

("I've learned from the best around.") I'm the only one around. ("Exactly~") Flatterer~

As Fox tweaked her nipple, Krystal let out another needy whine before finally reaching down to grab at that hot dick that was busy stoking the heat inside of her into an unbearable flame. I need it Fox. Please, make love to me. Her hand guided his tip to her entrance, stroking his length slowly with a feather-like touch. I need to feel you, everything you have... Burn my nightmares away with your passion. She began to push herself down onto that scepter of fox-cock, keeping eye contact with him all the while.

His concern had been bested, and now she has thrown his restraint to the wind as well, as he thrust up into her, splattering water out the edge of the shower from his force and nearly making her stumble if not for his firm grip holding her upright. Krystal's eye contact was lost as they were busy rolling back towards her skull as her her entire body shook. Her tunnel was already clenching around him, milking him as she orgasmed from penetration alone.

Fox didn't give her a chance to recover. As soon as he was sure she wasn't going to fall over, he started to pump in and out of her, building speed and trying to push deeper inside her with each stroke. He pushed her against the wall so much her unattended breast was pressed flat against the tile work, the cold chill stimulating her areola and the friction making her nipple pushed back into her own flesh each thrust. He he tugged back on her leg to try and force gravity to tug her further down onto his pulsing red cock, the wet slap of his knot against her pussy lips the drumbeat to the symphony her cries of delight sang in his ears.

By the spirits! Her mind chanted in his own head like a mantra. He grinned in satisfaction as he felt her wave of endorphins and the squeezing coil of her vaginal walls as she came once more. It was hard holding himself back with her in his head like this. He was feeling everything he did to her as if a phantom did the same to him. Fooooox please!! I need it! Don't hold anything back! Give me your seed!

("Soon.") Fox assured her as he gave a love nip to her neck. For as hard as it was to hold back his own climax, he didn't want this to end so soon. His Vixen had asked him to chase her nightmares away with pleasure, and he intended to give her that in spades. She gave another needy whimper, begging him to cum inside of her, but too overwhelmed by the sensation to properly vocalize it be it with voice or telepathy. His knot was hammering against her tunnel, but every time he felt it start to slip in he pulled back. Not just yet. Not until he was sure he fulfilled his promise, and left her so consumed by pleasure and passion there was no room for her fear and pain among it all.

Krystal's eyes rolled back again as her tongue rolled out of her mouth with a gasping shriek as her entire body shook. Fuuuuuck meeeee! Release it all inside me Fox! Knock me up!!

At her manic telepathic cries, Fox finally could hold back no longer. He thrust her flat against the tile work, his knotted dick leaving a visible bulge in her stomach as his tip pressed into her cervix and unleashed a torrent of fresh thick baby batter into her womb. Each splash of the fluid making her back arch and her legs twitch oh so delightfully in his grip as her tunnel drained every drop it could out of him. By the spirits, it's so warm...

Fox inhaled her scent as he breathed heavily, leaning his head against the tile work for support so he did not crush her under his own weight. His cock continued to let out small spurts of his cum into her as he recovered. However as they both slowly came down from their climaxes, something drew his attention.

He was still hard.

Well, there was only one solution for that. His hand released her well-loved tit to grab her other thigh. With a heave his knot popped free from Krystal, earning an "eep" of surprise and sudden stimulation.

Fox managed to turn her around so her back was resting against the wall and she was holding onto his shoulders for balance as he held her up by her legs. He pushed back into her cum-filled cunt with a growl of satisfaction. Again? Her mental voice sounded drunk off the endorphins and hormones as her arms wrapped round his neck and shoulders.

Fox tilted his head and captured her lips, his tongue diving into her mouth and sliding against hers to coax it to wrestle with him. She was eager to oblige as her eyes grew full of joyful tears from all the raw emotions she felt from her partner. His knot popped in and out of her, steady like a metronome in it's place as he tenderly rocked into her. Being tied... Feels so good...

The pair continued to snog one another, breaking only for precious seconds to breath before diving into one another's mouths again. They were drunk off of one another, and for a moment, the horrors of this place seemed an illusion as they made love. Krystal let her dominant hand snake down from Fox's shoulders and move between them, resting on her stomach where she felt the outline of his girth shuffle up and down through her abdomen. 0ei'ho hojxufadw m0 adjatoj. Bajjadw m0 nemr. A celo 0ei Fox. Fcoujo, wok mo fhowdudk. Walo mo 0eih bakj!

Krystal's legs wrapped around him even as he held her aloft, her heels digging into him to try and pull herself down far enough for his knot to stick. He thrust for all he had, shoving his knot past her bruised and puffy entrance and finally locking them together again as a fresh splash of cum launched from his tip and into her. Krystal's hand moved to rest over her womb as it bloated with his seed, a drooling smile on her face. Je misx... A celo 0ei. A celo 0ei Fox... A nudk ke rouh 0eih sxacthod...

Fox panted as they both slid down onto the floor of the shower, oblivious to the fact that the water had grown cold as they were in a stupor of each other's warmth. He kissed her muzzle again, resting her brow against his chin as they enjoyed their afterglow. ("A celo 0ei kee, Krystal.")

Fox did not have the energy at the moment to notice his own thoughts had shifted into her tongue instead of his own.

It took some time, but finally the chill of the cold water forced them back to their feet and turn the heat back up. This only managed to produce a lukewarm stream, but that was enough to clean up the remnants of their coupling. Krystal was a bit unsteady on her feet, for obvious reasons that made Fox smirk. "Stop smiling, it's your fault." She fake-pouted at him as she steadied herself against the wall. This only managed to make him smirk wider, which made her giggle at how doofy the big smile looked plastered across his muzzle.

"So, what's your plan hero boy?" Krystal finally asked him, leaning against his shoulder as he applied shampoo to his hair before doing the same for her. "I was a little distracted while you were checking the map."

"Well, if I read it right, there's a few employee-only zones that were meant for researchers," Fox explained. "Kinda like this rest station, but the map suggested it was bigger."

"You want to go after those research stations then?" "Yep. There's one not too far to the north. But it's going to be... difficult." "How so?" "Well you know how we wouldn't have even found this place if that AI thing didn't open it up for us? I'm guessing the research stations are hidden similarly, make it so that the... 'subjects' on this station wouldn't be aware of them researchers around them." "And the map is out of date according to the AI. So that's going to be 'fun' to deal with." "Yep... Then there's the matter of what kind of defenses they left turned on in the place."

Fox frowned as he remembered the various death machines and biological weapons that Andross had pumped out during the Lylat wars. He had faced them down in the cockpit of his high-powered space fighter before, now he would be going in without even a blaster. There was Krystal's Staff, but she needed that. Not to mention using it could bring the AI back down on them. "It's not going to be easy, but it's currently the best bet we have to figuring out what's going on here, and how to get off this station."

"We should leave quickly then." Fox blinked at Krystal's words as she rinsed her hair out. "Yes 'we'," she added sensing his unasked question. "I'm not going to just sit on the sidelines while you risk your life. And I came here for answers myself." She fixed him with a look that said this was not up for debate... and to his credit, Fox held up his hands and nodded. "Alright... Honestly we both could use the help given our situation." She could tell he still didn't like the idea of her going in harms way, but like hell was she going to stay hidden away in some hole like a damsel in distress the whole time. Not while her mate-

She blinked. Her mate... That made her smile inside, calling him that. Sure they hadn't done anything formal, even by her culture's standards, to mark each other as such. But it felt right.

"Let's finish washing up and head out then. We don't know when or where that AI will pop up again. Best to move when it's not looking." Fox blinked as he rinsed his hands. Huh, his fur looked dark. He originally thought it was dirt from the cave floor, but it didn't wash out. Weird. He chalked it up to the lighting, not noticing at the time that there were other similar changes happening to his fur coat.

Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 4

Fox shivered as he plunged into the lake water. It wasn't ice cold, but the sudden temperature change was a bit of a shock. Still, a chilly dip was preferable to the various dried on gunk on his fur, or the remnants of the... Intimacy, he had shared...

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 3

Things came back to Fox in a blurry mess of muted colors. His eyes struggled to focus as his senses started coming back one at a time. ("Well, I'm not dead. Head's pounding too much for that... That's a good start.") He groaned as his senses of touch...

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