Marcus Lane - Chapter Ten
"did you and your ex?" _we did, and then i caught conor in bed with his ex._ "yes," marcus said, choosing to abridge that part. "but we had certain sacred things."
He'd already gotten off, and his ex was having a great time. he would see this out. mark belched again, and this time lucas stood fast.
1. My hot pal Ethan
Ethan was a nice 6 foot tall hockey, ex-football, and ex-wrestler jock and future marine-in-training country boy who weighed about 170lbs. he had a slight southern accent and was very militaristic.
Exercise 001
Normally, the posters for the carnival would have made the electric type smile, but seeing her ex's smiling face plastered up as the main attraction did nothing but sour her mood.
The Lusty Weremilf Of Stoney Brook Falls: Part 2
Jenny's heart nearly beat a hole in her chest as she watched her ex complete his transformation. though her mind couldn't comprehend it, her eyes more than confirmed it. her ex boyfriend had just transformed into a werewolf.
Wish you were here.
Hell, her former ex could never be this rock hard after his first ejaculation, the ex's knot would always shrink to fast for her to enjoy it. she grinds a bit more into him till she pulls off him.
Transcendence Chapter 10
In turn, jason wolfe sired ex the existent with me. thus, because ex exists, you can exist." dan nodded firmly. "in a warped, twisted circle... yes." he winced. "trust me... i'm reeling about this as well. i could be the grandfather of ex..."
A New Life in a New Body: Unfortunate Circumstance
Oh that will go over perfectly my ex-girlfriend talking to my soon to be ex-girlfriend. lisa has no idea who she will be talking to.
chapter 17: Displaced in Time
After a moment, Xerocia thought that he had kicked the bucket, and was with his ancestors. But then, a voice came out from within his head. "Open your eyes. I can't believe you actually close your eyes when facing an enemy." The red dragon followed...
Drink up
She was also the one that had suggested that trying to talk things over with my ex would perhaps help me start to feel better. at first i had laughed at the idea of trying to talk with my ex again since i knew he didn't want to see me.
Roads Untraveled - Part XXIV
Cid reached inside ex and gave carbon a kiss on her mask. "and i'm glad we brought them back together. they look so happy."
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 95 - Forgive and forget...
'my ex-girlfriend is fucking my best friend, what the hell would you expect from me? you want me to turn a blind eye and pretend it doesn't do anything to me?' 'and my ex-boyfriend was fucking my ex-girlfriend... do you know how that makes me feel?'