The Price of the Park

Our cud numbers are much lower than theirs but if we get rid of the, and any injured adults for that matter, we can crush them from the inside out."

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Predatory Truce

Some watched him with dull expressions as they munched away, chewing their cud or swatting away the random bush fly with their long tails.

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 7

She almost reminded him of a cat, a cute, cuddly cat...though she was more of a canine in truth...though the way she nuzzled against him did seem more feline than anything...but at the same time he knew there were dogs that liked to cud-- "kyo?"

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Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch2

"you shore you can keep yours cud in dis time or should i get a bucket?" a rather loud laugh slipped free of yuri's muzzle before he could cover it with a paw.

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What I Know

She chew-chewed on her cud, and then swallowed, picking up her salad-bowl. " ... oh, uh," she went, stopping before eating again. "sir, before i forget, i got a message from a ship just on the range of our comm equipment." "yeah?"

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Decorum of a Swoon

A few seconds of relative quiet, except for the brown swiss chewing her cud. "you two okay?" " ... uh, yeah. yeah, nin was just giving me, uh, my ... monthly physical," she offered lamely, swallowing. "i must've hit his comm-badge by accident.

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Companions Chapter 09: Heaven

He spat out his cud and snorted, "that is revolting! i demand that you never eat that thing in my head again!" "okay, okay, okay, calm down. i keep forgetting you're an herbivore. let's see...

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Got Milk?

I like to lick my nose with my long thick tongue, and often spend hours chewing cud to pass the time. there's not much to do unless i'm eating or they're servicing me with the dildo.

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Tom the deer - exploring the naughty side

Tom burped, then started idly chewing on some cud. the first few days, chewing her meals again had bothered her, but now it just came natural. it also made it quite obvious which foods were good for her to eat and which weren't.

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The fire dragons

You... child-cuddling cud chewer! what are you doing in my cave?" "i just thought i'd come to welcome you home." "you _what_?" "welcome home, sedge, dear." "shut up! you cost me a perfectly good mate last night!"

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Cow Appreciation

Billy gulps down a big cud of nothing, scooping up his phone in his hands, the light reflecting off his glasses. "w-well, okay. c-could you zoom out a little?" "sure," cody responds, holding his phone out. he flashes a v and tilts his head.

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