You're Never Too Old for Horseplay

She was shorter than a lot of those high society fillies, but the way she carried herself you would never have known it. insults slid off her back like rainwater. i mention that in particular because damn if a storm didn't hit while we were out there.

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Red, Black and Gray: Part 2, Chapter 5

Wherever her guardian came from, he was seemed to be brought up in high society, for he had her walking and sitting like a lady within the first few days.

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Shattered Shards: Magical Mishaps

I'm not asking you to take them to a ball or to one of your high society dinners. you need to make a circle, cast a spell, and that is all."

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The Discovery

We qualify as high society. eating here isn't going to kill you." cain twitched his whiskers. "yea, but.." "but what?" melete asked. "afraid of becoming a snob?" she asked, holding her pinky out and tilting her head up.

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Chapter 45: I Remember You

We have a gathering with the _rest__ _of high society to attend -taigi!" taigi rose as well. he primly brushed himself off and snapped, "come, enayape!" keme watched as the three wolves moved from the hut.

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Riku: Chapter 4

Another meal, and another lesson in the manners of high society. night time and i find myself back in my room getting ready for bed. in my thick diaper, and sleeping shirt i find myself sitting on the dresser looking out the big window.

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Ever since you moved back up here to la and started running around with these 'holier than thou' witches and warlocks, you've done nothing but tug me along to those dinners, meeting and introductions into inner high society circles of bigots and push

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Slave Trade - The Hosting

I can be away from the pomp and circumstance of high society's siren call for only so long." and, without any further ado, the wolf started off toward the front of the manor.

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Paladin of The Dark Sun, Chapter 4: New School, Old Feelings

He was clearly well educated, and his manners suggested that he could run with both the high society crowd and the business executives with out breaking stride.

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Snake Lords of the Desert

After all, to be tranced deep enough to ignore conversation, yet still able to obey, was a particularly useful state for a slave belonging to anyone in high society. his father had promised to pay him for the technique, if he could perfect it.

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Snake Lords of the Desert

After all, to be tranced deep enough to ignore conversation, yet still able to obey, was a particularly useful state for a slave belonging to anyone in high society. his father had promised to pay him for the technique, if he could perfect it.

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Mercurius Express — Chapter 2

"enjoying the crème de la crème of lucierian high society no doubt." the younger cougar seemed to flush slightly. "well, you know what they say, people of luciere are the most welcoming sort in all of gallia." leon chortled openly.

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