crash yawned.
"what is it?" eddie finished.
"come on, i gotta new game for us to play," buck offered. "it's both exciting and dangerous."
"well why didn't you say so?" crash smirked, heaving himself up.
Buck, Cum, Deigo, Licking, M/M, M/M/M/M, Opossum, Orgasm, Rule 34, Sleep Sex, Teasing, Twins, Weasel, ball sucking, crash, eddie, ice age, stroking
crash demanded.
"i was thinking... what if i try your size?" sid asked crash with a devious smile on his.
"hey, hold on don't you try anything funny, sloth!" crash replied nervously.
"what's wrong crash?
Bisexual, Cowboy, Ellie, Interspecies, M/M/M, Mammoth, Mild Bondage, Possum, Romance, Sabretooth Tiger, Size Difference, Smilodon, crash, diego, eddie, flashback, ice age, manny, peaches, sid, sloth
"Damn, you're real chunky..." the hippo said in a low voice. He had never seen anyone around in the gym. Before him was a strange mix of what seemed to be a dingo and a crocodile. Moto Moto had been watching the new face exploring the gym and working...
Armpit Licking, Chubby, Crash Bandicoot, Cum, Dingodile, Facesitting, Gay, Gym, Hippo, Hybrid, Kissing, Locker Room, M/M, Moto moto, Musclegut, Musk, Orgasm, Rimming, Rule 34, madagascar, sweaty
They were in that crash."
chris nodded and started driving faster towards the hospital. the human gripped the steering wheel and grit his teeth.
"aren't you going to say anything?" mitch whined, "aren't you worried?"
Dalmatian, Deer, Drama, Gay Relationships, Hospital, Human, M/M, Oral, Wolf, pronghorn
At 11:26:39:56, john's car crashed into a low guiding wall on the side of the road.
at 11:26:39:92, elaine was thrown from the car.
at 11:26:40:26, the car began to compress upon itself.
Abuse, Baby, Birth, Car Crash, Character Development, Cub, Death, Experimental, Fight, Foxes, Half a World Away, Jade, Love, M/F, REM, false labor, flashback, insecurity, literary fiction, self-doubt
"we are going to crash!!!" i shouted.
"deflectors on overwatch! passive restraints to maximum!" lady ursa said as the blue coupe became a snowball and fell from the sky.
to be continued....
Adventure, Bear, Cheetah, Discovery, Donkey, Everything Has Changed, Game night, Humans, Lioness, M/F, Mongoose, Mystery, Pending Crash, Prototypes, Salvage, Werewolf, crippled, f/f/m, obelisk, recovery, storm, triad
You didn't even expect to survive the crash, let alone escape unscathed...
every part of your body aching told you that you hadn't escaped unscathed, even.
Dubcon, Facesit, Facesitting, Feet, Foot Licking, Footplay, Footrubs, Musk, Paw, Paws, Queen, Royalty, Second Person, Sexual favors, Shot down, Smothering, Space, Story, crash, favors, imprisonment, pawplay, permanent, prisoner, spaceship
crashing through the door, he was shocked at the sight before him. psych smashing everything in sight, the money scattered throughout the room, some of it torn up in the process.
"what the!?"
Bullets, Canine, Car Crash, Chief Bogo, Drinking, Drugs, Feline, Female, Flash Flash Hundred yard dash, Fox, Gunfire, Judy Hopps, Kidnapping, Male, Nick wild, Rabbit, Vulpine, Wolf, Zootopia, driving, sloth
Into crash's house.
Bandicoot, Boogers, Brain Fetish, Cartoony, Christmas, Comedy, Crash Bandicoot, Disturbing, Ears, Earwax, Explicit, Explosives, F/F, Fanfiction, Feet, Fetishes, Foot Fetish, Horror, Humor, Incest, Inside Out, Kinky, Lesbian, Mind Control, Mucus, N. Tropy, NSFW, Neurophilia, Parody, Pedophilia, Rhyme, Scat, Shrinking, Suicide, Torture, Video Games, Vore (soft), Voyeurism, WTF, blonde, body odor, brain, brains, coco, coco bandicoot, crash, creepy, disgusting, explosions, gross, selfcest, vomit, weird
They were investigating a detected crash course of a large metallic structure, being sent into the orbital atmosphere into the dujini sea.
Alien, Alien society, Alien world, Chosen, Crash land, Crashed ship, Emotion, Fallen gods, Fallout, Future, Gene Splicing, History, Male, Male/Male, Mechanical, New Start, New future, Ocean, Resurrection, Romance, Sci-Fi, Scientific advancement, Sub sleep, Utopia, Void, War, Wasted, Xenophillia, advances, augment, bio, carnivores, energy, evolution, extinction, first contact, foreskin, genocide, gods, homoerotic, kill, nuclear, oppression, past, porcupine, prologue, salvation, space, technology, transhuman, travel, world
Instead, he decided to try and shoot directly at crash!
of course that was far more dangerous and crash had to be at his perfect running game to be able to evade those attacks.
Anal, Australian, Bandicoot, Burn, Burnt, Commission, Commissions open, Corruption, Crash Bandicoot, Crododile, Dingo, Dingodile, Evil, Forced, Forced Orgasm, Forced Sex, Forced anal, Game, Gay, Gay Relationships, Gay sex, Heat, Hybrid, Hybrid species, Kamikazetiger, M/M, Male, Male/Male, Mammal, Masturbation, Masurpial, Naughtydog, Nudity, Rape, Rule 34, Video Games, accent, aussie, cold, corrupted, crash, crystal, fap, fapping, gaysex, masturbating, mean, naughty dog, platformer, sony, videogame
Tate sat on the curb next to Lance, head cradled in his paws. The bulk of the storm had passed, a light drizzle taking its place. The coroner, a studious looking rat, approached the two detectives, camera...
Action, Bad Language, Brothers, Canine, Car Crash, Character Development, Dog, Gay, German Shepherd, Horse, Incomplete, M/M, M/solo, Novel, Otter, Plot Development, Rat, Rimming, Romance, Various Species, Violence (Not In Yiff)