The bull's eyes roamed her form, but it was merely an act for the long line waiting outside her favourite hunting ground, kyle knowing her and what her favourite activities entailed.
Amethyst Mare, Arian Mabe, Balls, Blowjob, Breasts, Club, Clubbing, Cock, Commission, Consensual, Dance, Domination/Submission, Femdom, Fox, Herm, Herm fox, Herm vixen, Hermaphrodite, Licking, Lingerie, Lust, M/Herm, Male, Male x Herm, Mammal, Oral, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sexy dress, Vixen, Vulpine, Wolf, bar, clothing, face fucking, iron author, persuasion, sucking
But he'd have to find more time for another session with his _new_ favourite toy soon...
Anal, Anal Sex, Anal penetration, Anal stretching, Anthro, Deep Penetration, Dildo, Dragon, Drake, Erotic, Kinky, Licking, M/solo, Male, Male only, Male/solo, New toys, Private fun, Reptile, Sex toys, Short Story, Silver, Size Play, Solo, Story, Stretching, Tail, Tease, Teasing, erotica, fetish, fleshlight, furry, iron author, kink, private, sucking, thrusting
Not even if i promised you your absolute favourite..."
he opened his mouth a little wider as his voice trailed off, and his tongue flopped out.
Cum, Cunnilingus, Dildo, F/solo, Female, Female Ejaculation, Inserting, Love, M/F, Male, Masturbation, Oral, Orgasm, Otter, Pussy, Romance, Shapeshifting, Squirting, Tongue, Toys, Transformation, Vaginal, Wet, Wolf, shapeshifter, tf
Apart from her footsteps pounding on the carpeted wooden steps, melissa was silent as she led the way to her favourite neighbour's bedroom.
Cat, Clean, Feline, Female, Fox, Male, Neighbours, No-Yiff, Size Difference, Straight, Vulpine, growing up, slice of life
"that's why you're my favorite," feyyore said, and he grinned. "my absolute favorite."
Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Aroused, Ass, Balls, Bareback, Bisexual, Cock, Consensual, Creampie, Cum, Cumming, Cunnilingus, Cunt Boy, Dick, Doggystyle, Ejaculation, Erection, Explicit, Female Ejaculation, Femboi, Femboy, Foreplay, Fox, Fucking, Girly, Grin, Grinning, Hard-On, Heat, Hotel, Humping, Interspecies, Knot, Licking, Love, Lust, M/other, Male, Mammal, Multiple Species, Musk, Naked, Naughty, Nude, Oral, Orgasm, Penetration, Penis, Pokemon, Pussy, Rule 34, Seed, Sex, Sexy, Sheath, Short, Short Story, Smile, Spooge, Story, Tail, Teasing, Tie, Tied, Tongue, Vagina, Vaginal, Vanilla, Various Species, Vulpine, Vulva, Wet, zoroark
There was nothing like spending time, after all, with his favourite plush.
Amethyst Mare, Arian Mabe, Bestiality, Commission, Cuddling, Ejaculate, Equine, Erotic, Feral, Gay, Gay male, Horse, Horse Cock, Humping, Large Cock, M/M, M/solo, Male, Male only, Male/Male, Male/solo, Masturbation, Non-Anthro, Orgasm, Passion, Plush, Plush fun, Plushophilia, Pony, Public, Risk, Risk of Discovery, Sensation, Short Story, Size Difference, Stallion, Story, Zoophilia, barn, comfort, desire, erotica, grinding, intelligent, iron author, need, plush toy, risky, stables
The moment he'd waited so long for; he was about to meet his favourite author. it felt like his heart was beating way too fast for him to count.
Anal, Coyote, Fox News, Kissing, M/M, Novelist, Segment, camera, interview, professional, silver fox, swift fox, writer
favourite colour?"
_what? that's it?_
"red," jason answered simply with a shrug. then he realised he didn't even know sam's favourite colour. "your favourite colour?"
Bear, Human, Kissing, M/M, Muscles, Plot Development, Rottweiler, Soft, Story Series, Superheroes, Wolf
What is flare blue's favourite food?"_
caleb searched his thoughts and feelings.
Action, Gay Relationships, M/M, Muscle Growth, Muscles, Plot Development, Rhino, Rhinoceros, Science Fiction, Story Series, Superheroes, Transformation, Werewolf, Wolf
My favourite!
tony laughed "you know how to work a cd player do you? rammstein's my favourite band ever. when we get back, i'll show you some videos from one of their recent tours."
M/M, Neutering, No-Yiff
- to be continued -
useless info:
hobby: being annoying
wants to be a: purple gangster
can't stand: people saying his name all the time
favorite color: orange (suggested by e.t., by the way)
favorite food: mold
favorite school subject:
Cyborg, Osama Bin Laden, School, bill gates
How many people would pass him up because he didn't list their favorite tv show as one of his favorites, too, or their favorite movie, book, or songwriter?
Gay Relationships, Male, No-Yiff, Otter, Psychological, Skunk, Spotted Skunk, Wolf