A Luxios Guilty Pleasure (Feat: Levin)
To let out small moans in the process really getting into sucking them with the occasional slurping sound escaping his maw starting to purposely make lewd sucking and slurping noises the more he made out with them losing himself in worshiping those fat, juicy
Roomates pt.2 - Jakes dilemma
It was so hot and juicy sliding into him, everything he had dreamed it was going to be, though he had only received the first couple inches...
Tired But Hard
I stood there staring at her juicy brown butt and her inviting pussy. what i really wanted was for her to give it to me. i looked over her and saw her tit under her arm. i reached sliding my hand under it, and gently squeezed.
Saturday Matinee
It stung her rear, being taken so quickly, but it was a sting she loved in away, one that mixed so well with the squishy, juicy feeling the serpent gave her.. the snake never pushed or pulled, his head layed back, maw parted..
Two Grapes in a Pod
Those strange berries, fat and juicy. they looked absolutely delectable. on the off chance they were poison, she could simply chase them down with a potion of cleansing.
A Tail of Romance and Friendship Book 1 chapter 1: memories of the past
I licked my lips in anticipation of the juicy meat. i reached for it but my arms where too small to reach it i frowned softly and put my ears back disappointed siting back on the ground with a pout.
Gloryhole Blowjob From Lucario (he has no idea!!)
The poster was discarded and she was treated with a juicy cock in front of her. he was already leaking, he was pent up. she grabbed in with her hand, letting her nails glide along the hard flesh for just a minute. she had sparkles on today.
An unusual friend: part 2 (Vore, Wolf/Rabbit)
He wasn't exactly fat, but he definitely had more juicy meat on him than bast, smelled good as well.
Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 2
The knee was just to get her juicy and when natasha pulled it back the easy sound of the tigress purring could be heard, drawing a soft giggle from that golden girl who soon replaced it with something far more fulfilling.
A Crappy Assignment
The sounds of the soft bubbles in the water, the juicy farts erupting from all four bubble butts, and the various plops were hypnotic. plus, darren and jack were hot as hell.
A Commission Pop Goes Gina Popped By The Lizard
Landon really wanted to stuff his head between those huge juicy teeth while he rammed his dick into her feline pussy. for some reason, he was sure she'd be fucking tight and slimy-wet down there.
Rutting Spots
He thumped mahiri's ass with his knot, his balls swinging to tap that other juicy pair.